The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER SUNDAY; APRIL 19, 1896. 11 Highest of all in Leavening Latest U.S. Gov't Report 4 Royal Powder ABSOLUTELY Kitzsteiner, Mrs. Laura Zipp. Mr.

and Alarket street have returned from a short Mrs. J. C. Dix, Mr. and Mrs.

Paul Kitz- 'southern trip and visit with relatives steiner, Frank Radcliff, Miss Millie and friends in Indianapolis, Ind. Mrs. Sears, M. Mrs. H.

N. Farnsworth, Brainard, Mr. and Mr. Mrs. and The Liberty Bell club gave a mna8William Prescott, Mrs.

Ella Mower, Mr. 'querade ball at Bast's hall on Thursday. and Mrs. William Handler, Mr. and Mrs.

Miss Dora- Peffer and Miss Emma HamH. M. Farnsworth and Paul R. Miller of baugh and Mr. Sharis were awarded Akron.

Numerous lotters of -regret were prizes. The Clover DIr. and Hyre were re- home of Miss Leaf Edith Social Horet of club North met at the membered: with some very 'handsome street on Young tokens of esteem from their friends. Thursday evening. There was One the pleasantest events of the a enjoyed.

large attendance and a splendid time week was the novelty german given by 7 the' En Ami Dancing club at Weisgerber's The "Merry Young Bachelore" gave a hall, Thursday evening, where about Mr. beautiful dance in Bast's hall on Tuesday. seventy-five copules indulged in dancing. hair Ray were Piero and Miss Amelia EisenAfter each number suitable refreshments dancing. awarded prizes for the best were served.

Among those present the Misses Lizzie Wood, E. A pretty wedding, that of Miss Agnes Finneran, Lulu Dainz, Minnie Thompson and Mr. Joseph L. Frank, Margaret Greuther, Helen Rice, Hattie took place at the residence of the bride's Hogan, Mayme Lynch. Florence Pugh, parente, Mr.

and Mrs. Samuel ThompB. Sanfield, Eunice Kelliher, Inez Frazier, son, on Monday evening. Minnie Sturges, Minnie Engel, Lulu Percy McLain entertained at 6 King, Margarite Stuebler, Anna M. Ben- o'clock dinner.

Thursday evening in honor der, Knapp, Julia O'Dea. Kline, Mae of Covers Miss Funk. of: Hagerstown, Md. Shutrump, Lebber M. Waldeck.

S. Ra- were laid for eight and an domsky, Rose Reilly, Thornton, elaborate menu was served. Georgie Southerland, Gallon, Eva Vadam, Maud A number of friends surprised Mr. and er, Tucker, Rose Blanch Guilett, Patno, L. Mattie Manning, Tuck- Mrs.

Schulz Thursday evening 'in Anna Goldich. Lulu Bruck, honor of Mrs. Schultz's -second H. D. i Thomas.

Lillie Bruek, birthday. The evening was spent in card Day Hart, Mame playing, and a delectable luncheon WaG May. Cudmore, Barbara served. Bush, George the E. Messrs.

Pinard, Jobn Frank F. J. O'Dea, Miss McGraw, J. tained A Ellen few friends McGruder charmingly enterJ. Cushing, James P.

Hayes, J. H. Ar- noon with on 'Tuesday afterriver. Charles Pugh. James Funk of a card party in honor of Miss Con.

V. Deasy, H. Fudar, Jim Chandler, guest of Miss Hagerstown, who is 'the Robert F. Sheahan, B. Lett, H.

T. Gage, eon Tonner. A delicious lunchS. A. Byerley, F.

H. Charf, T. J. Ben- was served. son, WV.

H. Richards, M. Bender, A. The second annual banquet of the Johnson. C.

E. Porter. T. J. McDermott, Brotherhood of Elks was held in their W.

Sullivan, D. D. Mollen. Maguire, spacious lodge rooms on Tuesday evenWilliam H. Bruck, Dave Frans.

Charles ing. No effort was spared to make the Irwin, Frank Flynn, George Huberty. event a succese. Many guests from John 'B. Fay, D.

Llewelyn. Walter Gun- abroad were in attendance. ton. G. F.

Hutchinson, W. J. Fleming, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Drukenbrode were J.

W. Lees, WV. H. Patno. J.

F. Drews, C. victims of a pleasant surprise on E. Lillin. C.

A. Seaton, C. J. Bennett, on Thursday evening at pretty home Joseph Osberger. J.

E. Morrison, H. J. 'Navarre street. music and Brennan, C.

Kolb. I. Doughty, Will- dancing were indulged in for. several iam Flynn. Fred Horn, Ed.

F. Deatrick, hours, and a delicious luncheon was E. H. Figbman. T.

H. Linas, I. J. Sey, served. R.

Fred J. Graf. Steuder, John Rice, J. Hayes and Messrs. Albert Smallfield, William Goerke and Frederic Leedman celebrated EAST their respective birthday anniversaries on CLEVELAND.

Monday evening at the home of Mr. Mr. avenue Wilbur H. Gaylord of Hastings Smallfield. music and dancing went to Perry last Wednesday.

comprised the evening's amusem*nt and a Miss Moreland of' Pittsburg is visiting delicious supper was served. her View. friend, Miss Margaret Pope, of Grand Misses Mrs. Margaret Tonner and daughters, Mary and Ella, entertained a Mr. and Mrs.

J. M. Cobune and daugh- number of friends at 6 o'clock dinner' on ter, 'Miss Janet, visited in Akron last Tuesday. Cards, were they feature of the Thursday. evening and Mr.

John Danner, Mr. George Luster of Perry called on a gave several fine selections in his etyle, some of his relatives in the village last la Riley. Wednesday. A delightful surprise was tendered Mrs. Mr.

W. V. Baird of Scio was the guest Long and her daughter, Miss Katie, of of his brother, R. D. Baird, at "Hillside" South Cleveland avenue, on Tuesday evenlast Sunday.

ing by a small company of friends. RecitaDr. Brackett of Pittsburg was the tions were given by Mesdames Longaof Mr. Mrs. H.

M. Crosby of Noble baugh sumptuous and Beonington, 'after which 8 guest street last Mrs. repast was served. Mrs. W.

J. Holden were out at Lenore I. R. Sherwood and daughter, Mrs. their home.

"Cherry Hill," on tion at Sherwood, gave a charming recep. Noble last Sunday. afternoon. street in their honor home on North Walnut Mr. John D.

Chambers 'of Grand View Meredith-Mechling of of their guest, Mrs. went to New York last Monday on a short Meching New York. Mrs. trip. returning home again last Thursday.

beautiful delighted the guests with her Mr. Harry voice and sang several solos. coon to become cressidents of family the expect The last of a charming series of dances hating rented Dr. Bates' house on village, Noble was Wernet's given hall on by the Wednesday evening at street. Assembly San Souci and Junior Miss Belle Luster clubs.

handsome collation last Wednesday of Painesville spent was served by Welcome Blue and these clid avenue, night at her home on Eu- were or present from out of town: Misses Thursday returning to the seminary Slusser, Reed, Falk. Albright and Messrs. Mies morning. Miller, Fox, Albright. Wetter and Dillon days Della Crosby, who spent a few of Maesillon; Miss Covitt Miss Funk of Hagerstown, last week at her old home on Noble of Pittsburg, street, left last 'Thursday morning for her Miss Van Fossen of Wheeling, 1.

home in Pittsburg. Miss Fuller of Portsmouth, Mr. J. StaufMr. Henry C.

Miller and family, who fer Shanks of Cleveland and Mr. Frank in nue Florida, home returned to their Euclid avehave been spending the past two months Steinn of Salem. the first of last week. CLYDE. BEDFORD.

Miss rie Hirschberger epent several Mr. data LI past week visiting friends in Bert Wooley of Cleveland called on Fremo' friends Mrs. M. Sunday. J.

Miss Lucy Hurd spent Saturday and friends in Newburg. Lockwood has been visiting Sunday in Fremont, the guest of Miss Cleo Waret. land Mr. called and on Mrs. M.

friends B. Dawson of Cleve- Emmet Bartlett of Hudson, Thursday. has been calling on old friends and relaRev. J. B.

Watson of Royalton was the tives the past few days. guest of Dr. and Mrs: A. C. Colt.

Mies Minnie King Mrs. F. has returned home the guest of Fortuey of Ravenna was after spending several days with her sisMrs. H. S.

Adams Thursday. ter, Mrs. G. Winnie, at Port Clinton. Miss Lulu Rose Bidwell visited her friend, Mrs.

H. T. Barnum returned last Frithe Jones, at Macedonia, during day after spending several days at the past week. home of her eon, A. J.

Reynolds, in Cleve- Mrs. A. I. Comstock, who has been at visiting Akron, her has daughter, Mrs. R.

W. Sadler, returned home. BELLEVUE. Mrs. Tuesday.

John Baker was in Cleveland 1. lin Dr. L. B. Sperry was a visitor at OberTuesday.

Mr. Warren here. Kern of Chicago is visiting Mr. visitore and Mrs. W.

M. Halliday were at Toledo on Wednesday. Mr. and Mr. W.

Pitcher visited their son, William Pitcher, Sunday. Dr. Monday J. J. Haynes Sandusky spent here with D.

I. Crawford. Mrs. Frances Wagoner of Tittin is the horn. guest of her daughter, Mrs.

Joseph EichDrs. Charles Cook of Norwalk was the gucot of' Mrs. Lawrence Cook Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. and Drs.

A. Rutting, A. A. Rutting for and Miss Lucia Rutting leave Saturday a week'e visit in New York city. The marriage of Charles Edward Rufling of this place aud' Miss Mary Man.

dolin Volmer of New York city is allnounced for Wednesday, April 22. The ceremony will be performed in the Church of the Most Holy Redeemer, New York. CANTON. in Arhur Canton. Hartzell of Alliance is visiting Mr.

John C. Dueber 'of the Canton Dueber Watch workeris in Cincinnati. Drs. Frank McLean of Massillon is the guest of Miss Mary Harter of North Market street. Baron Cleveland, Leon De Vay has remored to where he will remain until he goes to Europe.

the Dias Anna Scott of Claysville, is sell on South the Cherry street. guest Mr. and Drs. William Kus. Dry.

Eleanor Meredith-Mechling of New York is miest of Mrs. Lenore Sherwood on West Walnut street. Dire. Anna Bishop of Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati.

is the guest of Mr. and Mrs, Addieon. C. Dickinson 'of North Walnut street. Judge" and Mrs.

J. P. Fawcett entertained -the Night Palro club charmingly. Delicious refreshments were served. 3-1 Mr.

Mark Hanna, nrunger of the McKinley campaign. spent Sunday in. Can. ton, engaged in pleasant social chat with Major McKinley. The ladies of Canton Sorosis gave delightful literary entertainment on Thursdav evening wnich was well attended ani financial success.

Mr. Abber. McKinley and daughter, Miss Mabelle, of New York, are the of his mother. Mrs. William McKiniey, oll 'Tuscarawas street.

5. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller of North 5:5 1 SOCIETY. T.

CONTINUED FROM PAGE TEN. ble, G. Palmer, E. Dean, I. Dean.

Piano solos were rendered by Mr. G. Palmer and Mr. B. Strable.

Supper was served. principal features of the evening were dancing and cards. Miss Josephine Bishop of No: 90 Jen.nings avenue gave a pedro party of eight in honor of the Chronoid dancing solub on Monday evening. The rooms and 'entrances were, draped in violet and yellow, the colore of the 'The best prizes were won by Miss Jenetta and Mr. Willi Grant, the consoiatiou prizes by Miss Madaline Vollkopf aud Mr.

Al Becker. Supper was served, after which the remainder of the evening was spent in dancing and various pleasant wrays. The Ohronoid quartet, Mr. Elmer Wight, Mr. George B.

Koch, Mr. Phil and Mr. Charles Geckler, rendered several of their favorite songs, Those present were the Misses Stiles, Snyder, Swiftield, Walsh, Wood, Higgins, Astrup, Smith, Vollkopf, Haller, Ernst and Leatch, and Messrs. Wight, Wood, Koch, Apfel, Fach, Geckler, Seibig, Becker, Conklin, Faerber, Geckler, Mayt, Grant, Haller, Kirk, Vollkopf, Treat and Deabald. On Tuesday evening 'a pleasant ourat prise was tendered Mr.

Franklyn Bishop his home, No. 90 Jennings avenue, it being his seventeenth birthday. A handsome Bible was presented him by the Bible circle, Miss Ollie Hodge making presentotion speech. A dainty supper was served. The South Side mandoclub played for the dancing.

Those present were Mattie Dombroeky, Elma Shroeder, Bessie Melin. Inis Smith, Anna Cone, Emma Shroeder, Alice Eastman, Frankie Burns, Blanche Lowry, Ollie Hodges, Ida Dombrosky. Clara Russell, Ethel Larkin, Lottie Fawcett, Leola Nickel. Emmerett Hathawuy, Ida Nichole. Charles Hodges, Harry Turney, Force, Percy Watson, Clay "Smith, Cleveland MacLean, Fred Richards.

Louis Meyer, Dunn, George Edward Sharp, Bert Blair, Louis Pallock, John Harvie, Henry Bushnell, Harry Fritz, Arthur Forbes, Bert Kleim, Otto Nitakie and Ralph Oates. at The Heard's duch*ess club will hold a leap party hall Thursday evening, April 23. ladies of the club are Miss Lizzie Kiesel. Miss Hattie Slater, Miss Kittie Longtin and Miss Lillian Slater. The dancing Bisextile club held its first leap party Wednesday evening at Clements' hall, Euclid avenue.

The ladies proved themselves charming hostesses. All who attended thoroughly enjoyed The hall was beautifully decorated with the club colors. green and white. also palms. Among those present were the Misses Cora H.

Reynolda, Amanda Baron, May E. Patterson, Delia Tulian. Lizzie De Witt. MarMcFarlin, Margie Randall, K. Shannon, Anna Lammon, Ceal Huntley, Kittie Goggin, Mayme Samnon, K.

Day, Ollie Waldeck, Mayme Mack. Mrs. Osgood. Messrs. C.

L. Winkler, T. McQuoid, F. Maconsek. J.

P. Patterson, J. Straight, Harry Miller, D. O. Griffiths, C.

B. Kitchingbam, C. S. Miller, C. F.

Eisele, D. C. Clarke, E. J. Griffiths, George Dawson, M.

McGuire. J. Hogan, C. M. Jones, D.

Murphy, W. P. Day, Harry Foot, Z. Butts, J. Bunch, F.

Brown and Horace Powers. DIr. Louis Ernst was tendered a prise, party by the Delmonicos Tuesday evening his home, No. 19 Smith a.VCnue. Dancing games were the features of the evening.

Music was furby the Centennial mandolin club. Dancing was indulged in until a late hour, after which refreshments were eerred. Several piano selections were played by Dr. Bert Herbert, the director of the Centennial mandolin club. Among the members present were, Misses Olive Roth, Alma Weieheimer, Virginia Schill, Kittie O'Hara, Sadie O'Hara, Mamie O'Hara, Maurer, Myra Kent, Florence Brown, Ida Sturtevant, Angela Carda, Addie Shane, Mary Ernst; Messrs.

Albert J. Maurer, Rudy Engel, Louis Ernst, Bert Herbert, Robert Cann, Robert Wil. liams, Spencer Morten, Mark Kershaw, Fred Roth, Frank Reid, John Chesney, Andrew Callahan, Fred Ernst, Fred Hammel. Henry The Centennial mandolin club will give a dance at the hall corner of Brownell street aud Scovill avenue, April 30. An enjoyable evening was spent on Wednesday by members and friends of the West Side Musical and Literary society at the home of Mr.

and Drs. Hopkinsou of Taylor street. The following program was given: Vocal solo, Miss Belle Palmer; recitation. Miss M. Estelle Hopkinson; piano solo, Miss Alma Brann; reading, "'Summer Boarders' Party," Mrs.

Lagervall; vocal solo. "Flee as a B. Van Norman; recitation, "Socrates. Setting a Hen," Miss Lottie violin solo, Mr. A.

Metzdorf; recitation, "The Boy Who Master Harry Walthers; vocal solo, Miss Mabel Lagewall; reading, "Lewis De fends the Flies," Mrs. John W. Fix; duet, Mr. Charles. Teachout and Miss Fleming; reading, Miss Wilder: vocal Miss Florence Farrand, accompanied by Miss Helen recitation, Polish Roy." Miss Gilson: piano solo, Mr.

Verciral Baum: solo. Song That Reached My Heart." Miss Georgi: recitation. Miss Elza De Garmo; piano Miss Lulu Kindler. The next meeting vyill he hel.l at the City hospital for the the hospital choir, on: Wednesday evening, April 29. One of the enjoyable club parties of the week was the leap year party given by the Violet Social club at Woodland hall Wednesday erening, April 15, where 125.

young people were entertained. Those who received the guests were: The Misses Margaret Moser, Rose Gaffney. A. Kraus, Delehant and O'Neil. Among those present were the Misses May Langacre.

Linda Michel, Mame Smith, Lillie Haunon, Anna Burns, Julia O'Dea, Anna M. Bender. Mabel Goodrich, Lucy Hoffman. Anna. H.

McCabe, Hattie Gelhard, k. Snell, Clara Paton, E. HI. Steinwetz, Eva V. Adam, Viola Johnson.

Marion Wicks, Kittie F. leedy, Mae Shutraup. Mayme Franklin, J. Gurtman, Mae Helen Moser, L. Dangler, L.

Gafney, Kuhn, Mazzie Macuight, D. Coreran, K. Dangler, Delehant and Mies Brothers: the Messrs. Max Bender, Frank Gaffney. Charles Wicks.

C. Schell, IL. Bialosky, D. Silverman, Prank 0'Dea, Jobn. C.

Wetzel. W. L. Nydecker, N. 0.

Beckerman, T. Vokum, Harry Pears, 0. W. I. L.

MoNeely, Frank debhard. Beltz, Charles B. Kelly. S. J.

Kirchnor. B. G. Byron, John F. Gallagher, William Hauer, W.

Sohl, William 11. Bruck. Fred Purdy. A. J.

Balinger, Bert J. Taylor, Charles A. Dadjei, Coreran, I. John A. Coreran, Fitzgerald.

W. Hull, MI. J. J. K.

Jonas, C. E. W. Kraus and Paul Feur. Mr.

and Mrs. A. L. Iyre No. 42 'Archwood avenue celebrated the tenth anniversary of their wedding last Wednerday evening by giving a reception.

to over 130 of their friends. They were 06- sinted in receiving the guests by Dr. and AIrs. I. Hyrv.

Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Farnsworth and Mr.

and Mrs. William Handler. The rooms were tastefully devorated with palms and cut flowers. Mr. fine Harold A.

Vosseller rendered some were music served, on the acolian. Refreshments followed by dancing. During called the evening the: following friends and and offered congratulations to Mr. Mrs. Mr.

'and Mrs. Alton A. worth, Beemis, and Ire. George B. Dr.

Mr. "and Mrs. Frank and, Mrs. Tames. N.

Wilcox. ATra. Sainnel Sears, Mr. Hedley. 'and Mre.

Mr. -and Fish, Dr. and Mrs. C. A.

White. Mr. D. and P. J.

AIrs. DI. Charles S. Burnham, Dr. and Mrs.

Saundere -Clyne. Mr. and Dre. A. T.

J. Selzer. of Rev. Akron. Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Sherman Arter. and Mrs. P. F.

Graham. Davis. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs.

Wellon Graham. Mrs. P. J. Twigge, will Robert Miss Ethel Wish.

Miss Trina Air. Corr, and Mrs. Prescott. Charles Prescott. E.

L. Brainard, Richard Go Anywhere You Please! Examine other dealers goods and prices, then come to and will us, you understand why we are doing the largest Furniture and Carpet business in Cleveland. 24 7 Dangler Gasoline 7 SPECIAL All Stoves Sold at Less 3 List Price. We Sell the Celebrated pound To Leade on The This Parlor Suit, hogany Frame, Tapestry Covering Our $100 Worth of Stoves: $75 Worth of $50 Worth of Than $30 Worth -of Our $100 Worth of $75. Worth of Househdee $50 Worth of $30 Worth of MONRAY FREE! A Parlor Table With Every Suit.

$18.65 TOP SOLID OAK, 24x24 INCH. CHEVAL SUIT: BEDROOM $13.75 A BABY 1.3 Knows when it is well treated and every -parent desires that its infant be fondly cared for. Now, to do that, a comfortable Baby Carriage is a necessity, Even though one has horses and carriages a baby wagon is essential to the household. It is equally useful in the home as well as 1. in ON THE STREET Many Cleveland infants have no carriage.

There is little excuse for such a thing now-a-days as we have fixed prices on such a basis that the. attenuated purse will suffer only lightly in the purchase of a carriage. FREE-A Fur Mat With every carriage. Down. Refrigerators.

DOWn. We have received a full line of the Excelsior and Centennial Down. Ice Solid Boxes Oak from Refrigerators. $3.00 We have up and. Refrigerators from $5.00 up.

Week. Week. pus la Trade on Orlano Week. Week. The Terms: Goods $10 Goods $7.50 Goods $5.00 Goods $3:00 Terms: Goods $2.50 Goods $1.75.

Goods $1.25 Goods $1.00 ONLY. Solid Oak, 6-ft. Extension Table, 42-inch Square $6,00 Straw Mattings from 12c a yard up. SPRING CARPETS. Two points in which we excelPrivate Patterns, High-Grade Goods at Moderate Prices.

with Think over what this means. It means that you need cover your floors carpets of hackneyed patterns, that, on the contrary, exclusive and fresh the designs best are than at your disposal. It means that you need not pay no more money for poorer grades cost elsewhere. We solicit your orders ou this basis. Three Rooms Two Rooms Complete Complete 887.

$56. the Cash or Cash or Credit. Credit. FOR ONE PARLOR, BEDROOM AND KITCHEN $87 White Enameled Iron Bed, Brass Trimmed, $3.60 or In we out ployment sickness case of of em- 9 Househota ONTARIO carry your account. the guest of Mr.

and Mrs. R. W. Collins of East Seventh street. with a handsome new veranda, DIre.

D. H. Fisher ie beautifying and completing her dwelling on Second street Mr. J. H.

Jacobs of Marquette, was around among his friends Tues day. Mr. Jacobs left Elyria about twenty years ago. HURON. Miso Evangeline Bishop left Saturday for Clereland.

Mrs. F. O. Blanchard of Berea was in town Wednesday. Miss Clarissa Waruke was the guest of friends in Vermillion over the sabbath.

Miss Lottie Peterson was the guest of Miss Nellie Wells of Vermillion last week. Mrs. D. H. Clock returned Wednesday from 1.

month's visit with relatives at Hart, Mich. Drs, Frank Collins of Kelley's Island is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D.

Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Summer of Toledo are visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.

W. A. Ryan. Mrs. Bacon has returned from 9.

six weeks' with her daughter, Mrs. WV. A. Montague at Duluth. Mr.

and Mrs. John Rosino and Mr. Frank Rosino of Sandusky were calling on friends here Sunday. JEFFERSON. Miss Sarah Campbell of Roscoe, S.

is visiting relatives here. Judge J. D. Ensign of Duluth called on his old friends here recently: Miss Edith Norton left Tuesday for Cleveland for an extended stay. Mr.

Ed Morse of Erie epent Sunday with friends at the county Dra. C. D. Markham is visiting her sister, Mrs. C.

J. Sturgeon, in Erie. Dray Bowman of Cleveland is being entertained by friends here. 'The Ladies' Literary class met with Mrs. Judge Wade Friday evening.

Mr. John T. Harrington is home from Michigan university for a week's vacation: :4 Tr with the Mrs. George Sterens spent the week with her daughter, Mrs. Tilton, of Ashtabula.

Miss Clara Ruggles of South Chestnut street was the guest of Ashtabula friends Wednesday. DIr. and Mrs. B. F.

Perry, attended the Beach-Hepburn wedding in Columbus Welnesday. Mrs. Emma McKay of Meadville, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. H.

S. Hurd of North Cheetnut street. Miss Grace Sherwood and Mrs. SuffredGordon have returned from a week's visit with Cleveland friends. Mr.

G. 7. Shurtliff of Oberlin was the late guest of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Starkey of North Chestnut street.

W. Woodbury, Youngstown spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Judge Woodbury. of East Jefferson street. Mrs.

Sarah McDowell and daughter, Leona, who have spent the winter in Cleveland, returned home Wednesday. T. F. Williams of Chagrin Falls are Mrs. C.

A. Sheffield and son and Sir. spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. H.

H. Seager. Nearly fifty couples were present at the second leap year party of local society ladics Monday night. The occasion wae highly enjoyable throughout. Drs.

Adele Hervey Mermeilley of Rochester, N. who has been the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.

Herver, returned home Tuesday. Mies Lily, Rogerson returned on Thursday from a several weeks' visit with friends in Collinwood. She was accompauied by her cousin, Mrs. Letitia Bell. ST.

Mre. Koblhorst is' visiting relatives at Lima. Mr. and Mrs. A.

W. Swanson have gone to Toledo to vieit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. D.

S. Bricker visited Mr. and Mrs. B. E.

Wollam at Portland this week. Drs. M. Delzell returned Wednesday from a two weeks' )visit with friends at Columbus. Elmer Barrington, and Willie Everist I WEEK.

BEDROOM AND KITCHEN $56 land. and Mrs. J. Mackey left last Monday Mr. and Mire.

G. A. Simpson and son for their home in Kansas, after few days' vieit with Mr. and Mra. W.

C. Lefener. A. D. Wiles, who has been spending the winter in Florida.

started last Monday for home. He will stop at several points on the way and expects. to reach here about May 1. CUYAHOGA FALLS. Mr.

William Beebe of Wooster was calling on friends here Wednesday. Mias Gertie Brewster Ravenna' is spending the week with Miss Emma Clayton. Mr. George Norris and daughter of Akron were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Peter Brodie. Miss Rachel Ferry and her cousin, Miss Senter of Metz, were the guests of Mrs. Andrew Porter Sunday and Monday. Mr. Charles Jones, who has been spending the winter months in various towns in Kansas, returned to the' Falls Thursday, where he will remain during the summer, returning to Kansas in the fall.

CHAGRIN FALLS. Dr. T. W. Pope has.

returned from Belle Center. Miss Lelia. Allehouse returned on Monday to Willoughby after A two weeks' visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gay Allehouse.

The Jolly Fives gave most successful social dance in the town hall Friday night. It WAg one of the most pleasant events of the season and was largely attended. Mr. Herbert H. Ames.

a former Chagrin boy, and Miss Lottie V. Chapman of this place were united in marriage Monday of a evening few last invitel in Cleveland guests, in Rev. the presence George H. Fairbanks officiating. Mr.

and Mrs. Awes will reside in Cleveland. ELYRIA. 5 Mrs. S.

B. Day returned from the east on Mr. S. B. Day returned from the east on Kittie Kelner is the guest of her brother, Lee Stroup, Esq.

Mr. T. A. Topliff and daughter. Mrs.

Davis. have returned to Atlanta, Ga. the Mrs. J. Greeves of Cleveland was guest of Mrs.

L. B. Smith Sunday. Mrs. M.

B. Johnsou of Cicreland is visiting her father, Mr. T. W. Laundon.

Mrs. Edward Strong of Cleveland is visiting her friend, Mr. Jerome Danville. Mr. Frank Seward of Toledo visited nut his old home in Elyria the first of the week a Mr.

Harry Hamilton has been home for a fow days this week from his studies at Miso Florence Decamp of Clereland 1s Special in- ducements to young people just start-. ST. ing Housekeeping. nesday evening, attending Heidelburg seminary commencement. Mrs.

I'eter Diemer is home from a visit in Kenton. She was accompanied home by her daughter and children, who will visit her for several weeks. The senior class of Heidelburg seminary was tendered a reception at the home' of the president of the seminary, Dr. Van Horne, on Greenfield street. ONE CENT A YARD Jewel.

3 Will clean your carpets with Jewel Carpet Renovator, Absolutely harmless to color or fabric. For sale by all dealers. MANUFACTURED BY JEWEL MN G. 1225 Wabash Chicago. A.


are home from college in Oincinnati to spend their vacation. Mr. and Mrs. J. H.

Wills of Covington, Were called here to funeral of their daughter, Mrs. Swank, today. Mrs. L. E.

Martindale, who has been visiting relatives and friends at Hagerstown for the past month, returned home Thursday. TIFFIN. for a few days. Mrs. O.

D. Beery is visiting in Lakeside, Mrs. Elizabeth Rohe ie in Cleveland at the bedside of a sick sister. Misses Jennie and Marie Dresbach have returned home from Cincinnati. Emma Ulrich has as her guest Miss Agnes Neuhauser of Toledo.

Drs. W. L. McDonald of Chicago is in this city visiting her parente and friends. Mr.

and Mre. Joseph B. Myers are in Fremont visiting friends during the week. Mrs. Otto J.

Hauck has gone to Buffalo where her husband is in the shoe business. Mr. and. Mrs. A.

Z. Shaw have been in Rollersville the past week visiting Mrs. Shaw's parents. ri Quintus Breidinger of Columbus has been in the past week for a visit with his parents. Judge J.

H. Ridgley has been in Parkersburg. W. the past week visiting his mother, who is quite feeble. Mr.

and Mrs. H. Rehart and children have returned from a three weeks' visit in Indiana. Illinois and Missouri. Howard Herman, a former Heidelburg student, of Miamisburg, has been in this city visiting old college friends.

Mrs. William Heilman, Miss Lizzie Heilman and Mrs. Philip Straudler are in Van Wort visiting Mrs. John Strandler. Mrs.

Marie Stoliper was very agreeably surprised at her home on Wentz street Wednesday erening, by about sixty of her friends. Rev. Mr. Rettig and Mre. Roth.

both of Wayne, were city. Wed- 1. 4..

The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.