The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

a As one of the centennial orators justly many incidents are rendered observed, portant by being the first of their kind, and Sr. E. DeRivas is of more consequence in marriage of Miss Nellie Murphy and eyes it is the first marriage solemnized by of New York society fact Cardinal McCloskey since the imposition the sweet tones, which could not be In heard low, throughout the church, Ilia Eminonce, that he was going to undertake a serifirst addressing the bridegroom, said charge and for life. It had was his been duty accus- to love to kindly nurture at the hands of and protect one who toined loving parents. The step ho he was should about devote to take wug one to which great thought, as the death.

responsibility Turning to would the only His Eminence said that she, on the end with hand, should consider her duties in bride, the tie which was about to be In other future she Wis to be one with him. him. She was 10 love, honor and obey and to bring her faculties to the consideration of the means by which she could make him happy. is Eminence then was stood held up. A large ritual, bound in scarlet, candle was open beside it, while tho Cardinal read the by the acolytes, and a service of the church.

At the held marriage conclusion of this he took his crozier from the attendant, and thrice making the sign of the cross over the bride and groom, pronounced the words which made matrimonium." them one, The organist then struck up the well known "Ego conjungo VOS in Wedding March by Mendelssohn, down the and aisle Mr. aud Mrs. De Rivas walked to the door, where they took their carriage They were followed by the family in party and drove to Mr. Murphy's house Thirtyninth street, at which the reception decorated, wag held. The house was elegantly and, it is needless to say, Was thronged with friends who came to offer congratulations.

Dancing was kept up to the music of 8 well-chosen band until an early hour in the morning. "The bride wore that $4,000 so dress much goscerning which there has been brocade satin, sip. broidered It elaborately with seed pearls. wag of white Her jewelry was a inagnificant diamond necklace and 8 diamond bracelet, which a present from S. de Rivas.

was bridesmaids were arrayed in white tulle, trimmed white wreaths and knots of white roses. Mr9. Murphy wore lavender brocade. The most beautiful gift was that of bride's another, a dinner service of solid silver. Senor Ramon de Rivas Lamar sent a pin, carrings and cross of The pearls Presidiamonds and a diamond ring.

dent seut a set of pearls, and Senator P. Jones a d'amond cross. Some of other gifts were a gold card case from ter Wallack, a chatelaine of silver and and an opera- glass from Mrs. John loey, a pair of bronzes from Dr. and Mrs.

Birkbeck, Chala mers, diamond and pearl cross and a turquoise set from Drs. a quoiso bracelet from J. Ithinelander Dillon, 8 necklace and carrings turquoise and gold from Mrs. R. P.

from Charles, a locket of diamonds and pearls Wright Sanford, a beautiful A. pair J. of Drexel, antique vases from Mr. and Mrs. silver set from il.

J. Hustings, a brandy flask finished with gold from from Mr. R. Mrs. G.

M. Pullman, a Persian ice Murphy, a silver flower vase cream set from Mrs. McCosky and Miss Reed, a set of ladles from Dr. and Jules Reynal, an antique engraved cream set from Mr. and Mrs.

George a costly dressing case from Jr. and C. A. Arthur, a silver and gold card ceirer from D. W.

C. Whecier, an General eled and jeweled inkstand from and Mrs. Babco*ck, a toilet set from K. Murphy, preserve dish and spoon set from and Mrs. Henry Clews, a silver Mrs.

Herques, a silver fish sct John from F. auder, a complete set, consisting of Quinlan, butter dish from dozen pieces of silver and gold table from Richard P. Charles, an ice cream from Mr. and Mry. Jolin I.

Davenport, elegant gilt writing desk from with Mrs. turquoise a jewel casket encrusted and carbuncles from Mr. John lloy, mantel set from Howard C. Dickinson, a lace and ivory parasol from Edgar phy. Besides these there were over from a dred other rare and costly gifts friends.

Brilliant Wedding. Married in State by the Cardinal. The Carcer ofan Ether Inhaler--Baleful of the Drug--Two Pounds and Half Consumed Daily. hospital. CABLE NEWS.

Bill in Prussian Diet for the Suppression of Religious Orders. From the N. Y. Times. A man, aged thirty-two, was taken to a Berlin hospital complaining of general debility, loss of appetite and muscular trem- on ors.

No internal disease was detected examination beyond a slight enlargement of the liver; but the filthy and abject appearance of the patient was curiously in contrast with his educated speech, when he explained that what at tirst WAS smell supposed to bo the strong alcoholic of his breath was really due to ether. It turned out, in fact. that this unfortunate been making for years past to cultivate hi wretch, in the endeavors which he had emotions by means of ether, an had honorable succeedin reducing himself from pro position to his present man of deplorable temperate state hab its, free from excess of any kind, and Formerly he was a much engaged in philosophical aesthetic studies, with a too great tendency to theological-mystical speculations. Ic had gone through his university examinations with honor, and his future prospects were encouraging, when a work of Dieffe n- bach's, on the employment of ether, fell unto his hands, in which the phenomena of narcosis were depicted in such glowing colors as to arouse the expectations of one filled with an imaginative disposition. He resolves to try its effects, and in December, 1865, first inhaled from two ounces to two and a half of sulphuric ether, which he poured upon his pocket-handkerchief while lying on a sofa alone in his room.

Ile soon became unconscious, chiefly and a of series a of vivid illusory pictures, in utter defiance of all ideas of time and mystical character, succeeded each other, space; so that while he had seemed to have lived through interminable ages, he found on awaking that he had scarcely slept a quarter of an hour. No ill effects whatever resulted from the trial, and ether from his subsequent employment of the he never experienced any physical incon venience. The remarkable aud unique circ*mstance in this person's case is that he did not resort to the ether for the relief of any bodily pain, but induced narcosis nately, he could not rest content with his purely as a means of enjoyment. Unfortufirst experiment, the insensibility becoming interrupted just a4 he seemed to be This on was the point of attaining his desires. repeated, therefore, but he found the dreamland which he conjured up was by no means so rich in pictorial effect as that produced by his first narcosis, however large and repeated the doses of ether might The inhalation soon became a mere habit, and from being sparingly indulged in was transformed into an irresistible propensity, all the original aspirations after the lofty and cternal baring given way to the craving of a merely sensuous stimulus.

At first only etherizing himself in his own room, this soon ceased to satisfy him, and, with his handkerchief saturated with ether applied to his mouth and nose, he staggered through the streets from one apothecary to another in order to purchase sinall quantities of ether, AS the large quantities which he at last found requisite to produce complete narcosis were not permitted to be sold. In fact be had reached the point of consuming from two to two and a half pounds of ether daily. Driven from his abode through the smell of disgust the given ether, to and other refused lodgers by supplies tine by the apothecaries, he became a wandering wretch, seeking shelter where he could, until at last his exhausted power compelled him to accept the aid of the BERLIN, May Falk, Minister of Public Instruction, introduced a bill in the Lower House of the Diet to-day, providing for the suppression of religious orders in Prussia. The bill relating to the administration of the property of the Catholic Church passed its third reading in the Chamber today. Dr.

Falk's bill provides that all religious orders shall be excluded from Prussia. The existing establishments are fo forbidden to reccire new members, and their present organization must be dissolved within six months after the passage of the bill. Partial exception is made in favor of religious bodies engaged in the work of education, which may prolong their existence for a year. Those whose object is the care of the sick may continuo their organization, The entire re repertoire of music was of classical order and rendered with excellent effect. At the conclusion of the first gospel Right Rev.

Bishop De Goesbrand delivered an eloquent sermon, taking for text the second verse of the 83d Psalm. The canon of mass followed the sermon and at the close of the communion service the pallium was laid upon the altar. The cardinal in the meantime laid aside his cappa magna and put on the alb and patriarchal cloak, putting aside his beretta and substituting therefor a mitre. At the conclusion of mass Rev. A.

Scherwood Healy, pastor of St. James' Church, read in Latin and English the credentials of the ab legate, and a brief from Rome, authorizing the creation of a new See. Mgr. Honcetti then a brief in Latin to the Archbishop-elect, who replicd in the sume language, accepting the responsibllity and allirming his intention to discharge his duties to the best of his ability. The Cardinal then proceeded to the altar and seating himself read the formula of consecration, the Archbishop kneeling at his feet.

The customary Outh was next administered to him by the Cardinal, after which he placed the pallium on the' Archbishop's shoulders. The Archbishop next assumed his mitre and intoned a portion of the Psalms prescribed for the occasion, which were taken up by the choir and surg in alternate verses. The ceremonies were ended with the beuediction by the Archbishop. Te Deum was sung and the vast congregation slowly left the Cathedral. The Cardinal, with members of the embassy and a number of bishops and priests, dined with the new Archbishop at his residence.

At one o'clock to-morrow a banquet will be given in the basem*nt of the by resident clergy of this city to the Archbishop and the Papal ambassadors. At the banquet addresses will be presented to the Cardinal, to Mgr. Roucotti, to Archbishop Williams. lu the eveuing the distinguished personages will be guests of the Catholic Union of Bostou. A reception will be given in the hell of Boston College.

The members of the Union will attend in full dress, also the ciergy and invited guests, to the number of eight hundred. The Foster Cadets, of Boston College, will be in attendance. There will be a chorus of seventy roices with an orchestra. The exercises will begin with a chorus of welcome. Then will follow an address to the Cardinal by II.

L. Richards president of the Union; 24 Latin hymn by the chorus; response by the Cardinal; singing of tho "Star Spangled Bar: ner" by the chorus; address Mgr. Roncetti in French, by WV. S. Fettiere, secretary of the U'niou; lallelujah chorus, by Handel; response by Mgr.

Roncetti. The exercise will close with singing of the Te Deum. After the reception the party will bo entertained by the reverend president of the college. The Cardinal's party will but are liable to dissolution at any moment. Associations thus continuing are to he subject officials.

to the The property of convents is not supervision of the government to be confiscated, but will be temporarily administered by the State. MADRID, May portion of the Carlist force on tho frontier Navarre bave revolted. They demand peace and adhesion to Alfonso. 1 CONSECRATION. Great Roman Catholic Ceremonies at Boston -Bishop Williams Created an Archbishop by Cardinal McCloskey.

BOSTON, May consecration ceremonies and investiture of Archbishop Williams to-day, in the new Catholic cathedral in this 3 city, was attended by all immense crowd, and though the capacity of the building is but four thousand there were fully ten thousand persons surrounding it by nine o'clock this morning. The edifice was crowded in every, part, and thousands were unable to obtain even a glimpse of the inside of the cathedral. Among the distinguished aisle gentlemen near who the occupied scats in the middle sanctuary were Governor Gaston, members of the executire council, and both branches of the Legislature, Mayor Cobb, also memberg of the Common Council and heads of departments, members of the faculties of Harvard, Yale and other colleges, and the French, British and other consuls at this and other ports. The ecclesiastical procession entered in the following order: Thurifer bearing a ceuser with burning incense, cross bearer with processional cross between two acolytes with lighted candles, assistant master of ceremonies, chief master of ceremonies, acolytes in red and purple cassocks, clergymen in black cassocks and white surplices, Bishops with their chaplains, the celebrant of mass and deacons, Archbishop Williams clad in pontifical robes and bear. ing his crozier, Cardinal McCloskey clad in his scarlet robes, the Papal embassy consisting of Mgr.

Roncetti, special Ab- Legate Ubaldi wearing a purple cassock and Count Marefoschi; then came a large number of clergymen. Cardinal McCloskey being seated on the m- throne, pontitical high mass was begun. Items. A grand jury in New Orleans has reported true billy against five persons charged with bribing members of the Legislature with intent to influence their vote. 1 Rose Sewell, white, the wife of a colored man in Boston, was found dead in her room Saturday morning and her body badly burned.

Several colored men were arrested, supposed to have killed the woman and then burned the body to bide the crime. A heavy storm on Saturday blew down the county bridge over the Tennessee river at Knoxville, and also damaged the Charleston railroad bridge. Loss to the county, 10,000. J. J.

Prior, of New York, playing with the Lotta troupe, fell dead of heart discase in the dressing room at the Opera House in Toledo, Saturday crening, during the performance of "Little At Cincinnati, on Saturday, lIenry Dirhm, German, aged 53, while intoxicated, stabbed himself fatally with butcher knife, in the presence of his wife, after reading his life insurance policy. A riot occurred at Darien, Georgia, Friday night, occasioned by negroes attempting to rescue a colored magistrate who had been arrested on a bench warrant. About twenty shots were fired, the sheriff, and a negro. The Assistant Postmaster at Vicksburg, under the late Peter Casey, has resigned, becauso of the discharge of the old white clerks, among them young Peter Casey, whose places are being filled with negroes by Postmaster Peasc. A fishing boat containing three men capsized in Lake Michigan Saturday afternoon, and a short distance from shore, while trying to make port at the extreme southern part of Chicago.

It is thought the craft is from St. Joe, Michigan. The crew were all drowned and their bodies have not yet been recovered. The First Congregational Church, the finest in Janesville, Wisconsin, was burned this morning. The fire was caused by a defective flue.

Loss insurance as follows: in Springtield and Marine of Massachusetts, Pennsylvania Fire, National Fire, of New York, $5,000. A fearful tornado struck Columbus, S. at half past five Saturday afternoon. The steeple of the Presbyterian church was demolished, and the roof of the market off. Although hundreds were in the vicinity no one was seriously injured.

The depots of the Greenville and Columbia And South Carolina railroads were roofed aud otherwise damaged. Trees were uprooted in every direction. Only one death is reported. The total loss by the destructive fire at Montpelier, Saturday morning was about $38,000 insurance. This and late previous fires destroyed about one half of the business portion of the town, but a new hotel on the site of the old Pavillion, and blocks of stores are already in rapid progress, and many of yesterday's sufferers are making arrangements to rebuild during the coming summer.

A dispatch from Muskogee, Indian Territory, says a water spout burst Friday near lIoney Spring, which was followed by the severest rain storm for many years. Bridges and culverts were washed away, and the track of the Missouri, Kansas Texas Railroad near Elk Creek was subI merged and undermined. logs of life LIFE INSURANCE. Notices To Let, For Sale, Fouud, not exceeding Four Lines, be inserted in Both Editions for will 25 cents. REMOVAL.

THERMANN, Printer, LENTZ. has removed Lithographer 10 and 12 Prospect street. to the street. By ro' No. 70 Champlain street: entrance expenses directly considerably he is enabled to from duel: his kind of Lithographic work 15 per furnish any than any other Arm in the city.

cont. him cheaper a trial. p2sf (tive MEETING NOTICES. Pork annual and meeting Cleveland of the Coal stockhold- Comen will be hold at the office of the company, of the LaDy 10 Perkins Block, in Cleveland, Ohio, on Tues. May 4th, 1875, ar 10 such o'clock other d.

businoss for the as dav. election Directors and may come before them. L. I'rest. BURKE, Cleveland.

April 20. 1873. ap20 12t WANTED. WANTED at 38 Girl Ontario for street. general Rooms for offees in Bratenahl Building.

Enquire 2w of the Janitor. Canvassers for the Art Journal most just attractive published work ever issued. For by D. APPLETON the address GEO. W.

DAVIS. 63 terms Ninth and street, territory Pittsburgh, la. ap30 my WANTED man, either in All Situation office or as by light porter. Salary not Address as J. much H.

this jag considered as steady employment. AT HOME-S5 NEW 825 articles DANS frve. the best Family Family Journal, Paper 300 in America. Now Terms York. jan28 BroadwAy.

LOST OR FOUND. Bay Horse, in poor condition, right hind foot reward white will and be hair paid id if clipped left ou No. hind 30 feet. Old River street. my 3a A liberal at -On Friday morning.

The finder pair will be of liberally steel rewarded bowed by leaving the same at No. 265 Spectacles. Pearl street. STOLEN following -Notice described is notes hereby were given stolen that from the subscriber are hereby on notified of and warned against the 20th of April, 1875, and all persons no title except that of a tho same, to as them. Two notes from A.

D. thief Walruth can be to given Rebecca Anderson or order and enAnderson in blank. vach dated from June 34th, dorsed by 1873, said and due in two and three years Other notes were stolen at the date, same time respectively. but the subscriber is of the opinion that to they wit: are One not by negotiable Nelson without Moses, three by James his endorsoment. by A.

1. Walruth from and $72 one to by 2600. Geo. Brougham, one Any Granger, one returning varying in said amounts notes or giving information be found will receive from the where they may subscribor twenty-live dollars. CITAS.

W. MOSES. ape FOR RENT. TOR RENT-A fino 10 Residence, rooms, within with minutes' walk of the Postoftice. l'ossession all modern improvements, five immediately.

Enquire at 231 St. Clair given between and 2 o'clock p. in. my3 tf No. 162 St.

Clair street; parlor andiwo bed rooms. myl FOR Building, RENT now occupied by Milo Cain. For -Store No. S. Bratenahl enquire of the Janitor.

myl2w terms house Huron street Enquire of V. CRAW, No. 05 River street. mv1f street: rent per month, payable monthly -House No. 51 Therese in advance.

Apply to JOHN P. HUMPHREY, No. St. Clair street. ap30d RENT--A good chance to the right kind of a man.

The store No. 143 Ohio esstreet is offered for rent. store is an old tablished one of 21 years. Will be rented rensonably; also the stock for sale. ap29tf TOR walk from Euclid aveuuo three street cars.

minntes' Hast Cleveland; large lot, good water, fruit BARNARD, and shade trees and barn. Apply to WM. Woodland avenue. mh29 FOR Jennings RENT- avenue, -Very 4 houses low--One on Cliff house street and house 011 Merchants avenue. Enquire 132 Jennings avenue or 90 and 92 Water street tf FOR SALE.

TOR Tannery, with EXCHANGE--FOr tools and city fixtures; property, will inoncy with it and give a good trade. George For exchange for city property, the Whitney property, in Berra. This is a magnificent residence. in an educational town. Would take some For exchange, 120 acres of land in Indiana property in Philadolphin.

eome my 3h money I. E. forcity HOLDEN. property. 171 Superior SALE acres of -LAND--In land on lots Dunham Or arenne, altogother.

between March and Beecher streets. L. HOLDEN, 171 Superior street. my3b FOR yenrly payment and own your ESTATE--Pay homes. money i4 dear money.

Now house and lot on Euelid aronue; $27,000. House and lot on Euclid avenue; $20.000. House and lot on Fairmount street; 33,300. House and lot on Cedar street: $3.000. House and lot on Cedar street: $3,200.

House and lot on Stearns street: $1.600. Lot on Madison avenue, 300 feet from luelid; $87 per foot. Lot on Custend avenue, between lough Euclid: 300 per foot. Lot on Bell avenue, between Cedar and Euclid; 860 per foot. Lot on Euclid avenue, opposite Wade's Park: $175 per foot.

Two lots on Dunham avenue: $50 per foot. Lots on March and Beecher streets: $30 per House and lease near Erio street (house worth $1.600. House and lease on Franklin atropt; $1,000. Vacant lots, well located. near Codarand Euclid avenues, in East Cleveland, ranging from $30 $43 per foot.

I own the above property and can make terms to suit purchasers, from three to ten vears. I. E. HOLDES, any3 Merchants' Bank Building. FOR cash, SALE 33 feet long.

-Steam horse Yacht engine. cheap 21 wheol: can make 10 miles per hour. Address E. MERRILL, Akron, 0. ap30d TOR ano very -A cheap.

good Enquire second No. hand street. brick Restaurant and Saloon. with 12 years from April 1875, corner of Center and West streets. GEORGE ap29 FOR persons SALE.

interested are D. hereby Knapp notified and that Saturday, the 8th day of May, 1810, at 10 o'clock A. WO will soll at public auction, at our stables, on Seneca street. in the city of Cleveland, 0., Roan Horse, Said horse is sold to pay the cost feeding and caring for the same. 0127 10t SHERBURNE NOONAN.

TOR SALE OR RENT A pleasant little House in East Cleveland, on Crawford avenue, one thousand feet north of Enclid P'rospect avenue. Apply to GEO. II. LODGE, 21 FOR situated on east Vacant side of Lot. Willson 50x200 avenue, tween Superior street and l'ayne avenue.

CheapaNt lot oll the avenue. Enquire of THOMAS WHITEHEAD, this office. $30,000 to dollars SALE- (300 Thirty shares) of the capital stock the Morehouse Oil Company Enquire of C. L. MOREHOUSE.

ApOtt FOR Scales, as SALE- Four Ton cheap. Platform Enquire good AS new, 140 West River street: P. FILBIN. AnI REMOVAL. Agency will remove April 15th, to 199 S.

('oe's Insurance perior street, second floor, over the drug store morly STRONG ARMSTRONG. Apt MOVING WAGONS. OVING covered spring wagons for moving furniture, with careful, experienced men. Leave orders 134 Bank street. ap21 M' R.

his P. facilities RYAN for has moving largely Houses increased pieces of Machinery, and also has wagons constantly on hand for moving household ture and goods of all descriptions. Leave or address P'. RYAN, No. 125 Water street or 34 Ward street, West Side.

Ap10 tf MONEY TO LOAN. $65,000 TO estate, in LOAN smaller ON sums. REAL My to HOWE, I'LAIN DEALER OFFICE. on articles value. buy and MONEY! MONEY! TO the highest prices for second-hand Watches, Chains, Diamonds and Jewelry of all kinds.

large lot of unredeemed goods now for sale burgnins, At E. HOLMES' LOAN OFFICE, corner of Ontario and Michigan streets, up in 1870. LOANED ON REAL ESTATE -Established in the year to Passage Agent for all Liverpool, Glasgow, Bremen and Hamburg Steamships, Cunard, White Star, Guion, National, Anchor, North man Lloyd, Hamburg, Bremen, Drafts the principal cities of Europe at lowest nor Railroad Tickets to and from New Parties sending for their friends in the Country can purchase Tickets at reduced Plans can be seen, Bertha secured and all inforination given by J. U. WAGNER 118 1A0 Superior street.

over Yates', the Clothier. MISCELLANEOUS. JUSTICE OF THE Peace, is at No. GEORGE Superior A. KOLBE, Justice Cleveland, of Two efficient Constables street, Clerks entrusted are to always the.m in attendance, and all business and two accommodating tion.

The residence will of receive the the promptest Woodland avenue, between Justico is at No. streets, where he is prepared to Erie and Burnham business evening from o'clock. transact anl5-6m DISSOLUTION. DISSOLUTION- The butchers, firm of Lorey mutual consent April 9, 1875. All was debts dissolved by said concern will be settled by 1.

J. owing F. J. LOREY, J. BAILIE.

April 30th, 1875. DAILY PLAIN DEALER. Boil it down. W. W.

ARMSTRONG, Editor and Proprietor. 107 Seneca street, Cleveland, Ohio. Monday Evening, May 3, 1875. Ir is said that CHRISTINE NILSSON is growing hollow eyed and woebegone for fear that her corner lot speculation in I'coria will prove a failure. THE Adrian (Mich.) Journal has just got out of a libel suit.

A judgment was dered against it for $19, each to pay their own costs, though the damages were laid at $10,000. restless energy of his Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales, in pursuit in of a pleasure, would kill a British dragoon twelvemonth. -Chicago Tines. We'll match, GRANT against him and give Wales points in the game. Tar application of Goneral Firz JOnN PORTER for a rehearing of his case has not yet reappeared before the President and Cabinet.

It was referred to the Secretary of War for a report, and official in turn referred it to Judge Advocate General HOLT for a brief of the record. This has not yet been completed. HERE is a terse bit of advice to corressional, done in rhyme; it is quite a good pondents of the press, amateur and profesthing in its way, and we commend it to our own correspondents: When writing an article for the press, Whether prose or verse, just try To utter your thoughts in the fewest words, And let them be crisp and dry; when it is finished, and you suppose It is done exactly brown, Just look at it over again, and then OUR Saturday's issue contained something about the Roman Catholic ceremony at Boston on that day, and to-day we have a longer account. The Catholic diocese of Boston, of which the city of Boston is the centre, has been lately elevated from the episcopal to the archiepiscopal rank, and thus made equal to the New Sec, to which it was subordinate before; hence the occasion of the ceremony. Cardi- nal McCLOSKEY participated.

ONE our exchanges says there is not of much doubt that the incident of BARBARA FRITCHIE waving the old flay from the window of her house as the rebels were marching through Frederick, is a coinage the imagination. "The Baltimore Sun produces conclusive evidence that Stonewall JACKSON'S eorps d'armee did not go through the street on which the old lady lived at all." And yet we saw in a San Francisco paper the other day a card from one of Stonewall JACKSON's old corps, who not only says that his corps did march through that part of Frederick, but that was one of the soldiers who fred at BARB.ARA's flag. ANOTHER fellow fell in a flat the Beecher trial on Monday. The Brooklyn court room appears to be 8 first class hospital. Beecher has the apoplexy, Beach the nose bleed, Fullerton vertigo, Pryor nervous prostration, juror sickeng because can't chew tobacco, Cleveland is a confirmed invalid, Mrs.

Beecher more dead than alive, a half dozen spectators have been carried out suffering from epilepsy, one reporter committed suicide, and there ain't any of them very well, anyhow.Dayton Journal. And if this is the condition of tho habitues of Judge NEILSON's court room what must be the condition of the editors reading public? We hazard nothing saying that if the BEECHER trial runs much over June 1st, there'll be another reign terror. "RATHER a sudden pull up," as old ler said. When Mr. Evarts remarked, "We rest here, your Ionor," everybody was surprised; and when Mrs.

Tilton excluded as a witness on the suggestion the defense, they were more so. We pect that Mrs. T. may be heard from the subject though she docs not take stand. The public don't "rest here," there is to be rebuttal and surrebuttal summing up and charge to the jury and waiting for the verdict before the long agony is over.

And -how about libel suit! Boston Globe. There is no doubt that the exclusion Mrs. TILTON from the witness stand by defense will have a damaging effect upon BEECHER's side, 30 far as the public is cerned. If all that is needed to bring to the stand is the consent of the opposing counsel, and the proscaution, freely waive their objections, looks badly for the defense to demur to the arrangement. The feet will be apt to be bad BEECHER's case, whatever its merits ba.

SPAIN relaxes none of her determination to crush the Caban insurrection, but parently is no nearer the accomplishment of that end than she was six rears A truly lamentable state of things at present obtaing in the island, the war having generated into mere waste and incendiarism, neither side being strong enough wage war in the ordinary sense of term. We copy the following from Havana letter of the 22d The misery and suffering in Havana indeed all over the island, are heartrending. The planters and estate-owners are in spair, for the work of destruction goes and every day brings new accounts of burning of estates. The number burned during the last few months, it is said, ready amounts to seventy. The policy the rebels is, by burning indiscriminately all the estates belonging to Cubans Spaniards, to lay waste the country deprive the government of the resources for carrying on war.

They say if should only burn the estates belonging the Spaniards the government would those belonging to the Cubans, and have means of carrying on the war. is feared that a revolution may break in lavana any day, 48 the dissatisfaction is general among all classes. taxes imposed on the people grow heavier and more onerous every day, while means of satisfying them are diminishing. Singular Death -A Man Dies of the Hiccoughs. About one of the most singular cases of death that ever came within our province to mention is that of Milton W.

Blair, of fornia of the hiccoughs. Mr. rocking an Louisa county, who died last Caliold merchant of Louisa county, but has not been engaged in business for a number of years. Ic has been residing acar Morning Sun since retiring from business. Inst fall he was attacked with a fit of hiccoughing which continued for some weeks, with scarcely any intermission.

Becoming alarmed at the long continuance of the spell, Mr. B. came to Burlington to consult with a doctor, who, after treating him awhile, declared he could give him no relief. From this city hic proceded to Chicago, and consulted the best medical authorities there, who did all in their power for him, but ould not relive him. By their advice he went to Californin, accompanied by his sister, thinking that the chunge of climate would help him; remaining in that state to the time of his death, hiccoughing almost continually, and having but few intervals of rest.

The continued strain, and distress, wore him 10. a mere shadow of his former self, and, last week, his minters telegraphed to friends and relatives, and Louisa counties, that he was dead, and she was bringing hig remains on for burial. -Burlington iTarkeye. A gentleman in Clyde, Ohio, has been suffering with hiccoughs for four days, and his life is despaired of. "Six feet in his stockings!" exclaimed Mrs.

Henry. "Why, John has only two in his, and I can never keep 'em darned at that!" 15 reported, but there is said to be great damage done property. Two Godfrey brothers, of New Florence, who were in Johnstown Saturday, attempted to board a train going east in order to catch a west bound freight at Coneon maugh. the train, One but the other it is supposed of them succeeded in getting missed his footing, fell under tho wheels and was instantly killed. When his brother got to Conemaugh and found his brother was not on the train he started back to find him, when it is supposed he was struck by A freight and instantly killed.

Tho men' are thought to have Both bodies were found this morning. been intoxicated. The Public Debt Statement. WASHINGTON, May public debt statement for April is as follows: Six per cent. 580, 352, 750 177,0:30 Five por cent.

Total in coin $1,712,820,800 money 19,550,140 14,078,000 Lawful Matured 378,123,492 Legal Certificates of deposit. 47,815,000) 22, 403,300 43,800,505 Coin Total 35,028, 17S Total Total without 1 26 492,201,358 Cash in Treasury, Treasury, 1,006,475 94,625, Cash Special tion of deposits certificates held of deposits. 47,805,000 for redempF Total in 143,587,144 Debt less of cash debt in 2,325,346 2,131,309,431 Decrease Decrease since June 30th, 1874... 11,778,809 Bonds issued to Pacific Railroad Companies, interest payable in lawful mouey-principal out- 64,623,512 Interest accrued and not yet paid 1,297,470 Interest paid by the United States 26,264, 102 Interest repaid by transporta- 5,945,643 tion Balance of, interest paid by the 20,318,458 United DRY GOODS. Euclid Avenue Store SPECIAL BARGAINS.

Real Point Lace Collars At less than One Half Price. HAMBURG Edgings and Insertings. Applique Lace Shades A Job Lot at a Bargain. Nottingham Lace Curtains In New Designa, FROM $2,00 A CURTAIN UPWARDS S. HYMAN 00., 2 and 4 Euclid avenue.

apr30 FURNITURE. WE Have in store a complete stock to furnish dwellings throughout with the new "Eastlake Style" of FURNITURE HART MALONE, MANUFAOTURERS ON Fashionable Furniture! EUCLID AVENUE, Corner of Public Square. apr23 CRAYONS. The Crayon Portraits produced at RYDERS, 239 Superior street, are unequaled for artistic effect and excellence. J.

H. GROJEAN 224 Superior Street, Will open on and after Monday, April 26th, 1875, A full assortment of the latest Novelties for the Summer Season, in French Hats and Bonnets OF ALL THE NEWEST SHADES, in Drab, Gray. Brown, Blanc, Blue, Cendre de Rose. Cuir, Ivoire, Cinnamon and Pearl, together a full line of English Straws Belgian Straws, American Straws, and Maderia Chips. ALSO.


I. F. McGINNESS, FASHIONABLE HATTER. R. The Anest qualities and most fashion able styles of Gentlemen's SILK HATS and STIFF AND SOFT FELT HATS.

Prices Always Reasonable. 177 Superior Street, THE OLD STAND, Three doors above Bank street. apr6tf TELEGRAPH INSTRUMENTS. RETTBERG. Economy is Wealth.

"More than fifly life rom panics in Non This York is bare failed within the view last of nine the years. numerous wida ors fearful and 'orphans who hare, in consequence, record, in lost the with loving, prudent cure and foresubstance which their husbands and fathers, thought, endeavored to provide for them before It aryues either reckless mismanthey agement downright dishonesty and fraud on the quart of tne directors and them officers to of public these companies that should subject CLEVELAND, OlIO. The cheapest rates of preminm, consistent with entire and perfect safety lo the insured, best subserve the public interest, and operate to extend the benefits of these beneficent institutions. It is needless and expensive to pay our money or notes to a Life Insurance Company, 7'e- for the purpose only of having the same turned. W.

Burnes' Report. censure." THE OHIO LIFE INSURANCE Home Office cor. Super'or and Bond Sta. Furnishes Insurance at Actual Cost "The Company that, being backed by sufficient capital, first offers to the public a reliable plan not of only confer a blessing upon mankind, but is pure and uncomplicated insurance, will destined to win for itself a really appreciation sudden unt deserred prosperity. -N.

Y. Sunduy News. to For further information address the wanted Secretary. A few thoroughly competent agents for unoccupied territory. JOIN TOD, President.

HENRY E. HESS, Secretary. Fy JI ON A PLAN WHICH I IS Simple, Safe, Sound Equitable CARPETS, SPRING STYLES CARPETS AND CURTAINS Now open at the Mammoth Carpet Establishment of Beckwith, Sterling No. 6 Euclid avenue. PRICES LOWER THAN SINCE 1862 marzZ ICE.

ICE! ICE! ICE! THE FOREST CITY ICE COMPANY having a large stock of Lake and Spring most Water reasIce are prepared to supply Ice at the onable prices. Office, 223 Superior street, in Sackrider Casterline's store. Orders left there or at G. F. Bowman's, corner of l'earl and Detroit streets will receive prompt attention.

apr7-1m MILLINERY, Temple of Fashion. I Import My Own FLOWERS. I have the cheapest and most select stock of RIBBONS IN THIS CITY. I have the richest and most fashionable trimmed HATS AND BONNETS. My Stock of Laces and Trimming Silk is complete.



CHANDLER SON, Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Carden, Field and Flowe SEEDS! We hare a larzo and complete stock of Seeds of the growth of 1874, selected from the most reliable growers in this country and Europe, and our prices are as low as any reliable seed in the market. We hare A choice lot of Seed Potatoes grown In New York State and the true Jersey grown Sweet Potato. Also a large assortment of Garden Peas and a choice lot of Onion Sets. We sell Guano, Bone Dust, Phosphate and Land Plaster. Call or send for Cataloguo.

C. CHANDLER SON, Corner Ontario and Champlain streets. mar13 Cleveland. Ohio. FURNITURE.

NO RENT. We will positively sell all kinds of Furniture at a very small advance from manufacturers' prices. No rent or expenses figured into the cost. If. R.

LEONALD ap27 8m Wholesale Furniture Dealer, DINING ROOMS. PARK PLACE DINING ROOMS 136 Champlain street, Next door to No. 2 Engine House. KREAGER SITTERLY, Proprietors. NOW open and ready for business.

Everything new and clean. Meals at all hours, Regular dinpers 400, from 12 to 2. marlott Don't go around wear. ing seedy. Clothes, even though the weather be a little 1.

behind time this spring. Good clothes don't cost much--if you get them in the right place. From Nine to Eighteen Dollars buys bang up Business Suit, good enough to wear anywhere. They are all wool, well' made, well cut and won't fade, what more can a man ask for. E.

R. HULL, NOS. 176 AND 178 ONTARIO STREET JERRY COON is now selling his Entire Stock of' Watches, Jewelry, Bronzes Clocks. Solid Silver and Plated Ware, Fans, Opera Glasses, Russia Leather Goods at cost. COMMERCIAL COLLEGE.

No. 17 lardy Block, Euclid Open every day for the reception of pupils, of either sex, in Book-keeping, Arithmetic, Penmanship, Grammar and Modern Lavguages. feb15-Gin JOS. BALLHOUSE Principal. 1 PHOTOGRAPIIS.

CARD PHOT I $2.00 per doz. Stereoscopic and other Views of Cleveland and vicinity for sale. Residences, Grounds, made to nature in any part of the country. SWEENEY, Superior street Cleveland. -Scale Works CLEVELAND SCALE WORKS TRADE: MARK Manufacture and Repair SALES of All Kinds.

C. C. LYMAN, No. 9 Slater Avenne, Cleveland, 0. der17-6m BUSINESS COLLEGE.

UNION Business College! Corner Superior and Seneca streets, Thoroughly and practically prepares young men for all departments of business. The present is a favorable time for entering the Spring classes. For terms call at College Office or address for Catalogue. FELTON BIGELOW, feb19-2m CLEVELAND. ORIO.

SPECTACLES. No. 130 Superior stree If you want SPECTACLES that assist your sig so that you can see 88 well as in your youth pr cure for yourself a pair of Solomonson's Celebrated at the eld and well-known Optical Establishment, 180 Superior street. All who use them pronounce them the best they ever bad. Your sight will surely improve and you will experience great ease and comfort.

Oice under American Hotel. Beware of travelers claiming to be DIr. son or his agenta. CHINA AND GLASSWARE. EHRBAR ENGEL Have a fine and entirely new stock of CHINA GLASS EARTHENWARE.


BABY CARRIAGES NEW STOCK, NOW OPEN. J. M. Brainard 233 Superior Street ALE AND PORTER. FOREST CITY BREWERY ROGERS HUGHES, Manufacturers of all kinds of ALES AND PORTER I Cash Paid for Barley.

Corner of Seneca and Canal streets, CLEVELAND, OHIO. 79-300 MEDICAl. DR. A. SLEE Late Principal of the Pittsburg Medical Institute.

Longer in the practice of chronic and private diseases than any physician in the city. All forms of venerial diseases cured in the mop thorough and satisfactory manner. Spermatorhora or nervous debility, producing blotches, dr bility, dizziness, neavousness, dimness of sight noises in the head, indigestion, despondency, (vifusion of ideas, loss of memory, and which unto the victim for business or marriage, and ultimate. ly causing consumption or insanity are permia nently cured. Gleut, stricture, orchitis, hernia or rupture, al urinary diseases, and syphilitic or mercurial affec.

tions of the throat, skin and bones, are treated with unparalleled success. Female Complaints, whether acute or chronic receive prompt attention. Office up-stairs, and in his drug store, Superior street, Cleveland, Ohio, and one block east of l'ostofice. Dr. Slee will be in his office in his drug store, every Wednesday and Suturday evenings till 8:30 p.

m. Medicine sent to any part of the country by express or mail Out receipt of and full tion of case. Consultation free. not; DR. A.

SLEE, SR. DRUCCIST, Nos. and Superior Street, dealer in Foreign and Domestic Patent Nedicices and Proprietory Articles. All orders by mail for medicine promptly filled. Every letter of eugury must contain stamp for reply.


Elixer of Phosphites and Calisare the public. Elixer re- animates and revives The most valuable preparation ever presented to the failing functions of life and chus imparts euer gy and fresh vitality to the exhausted and debilitated constitution. In cases convalexing from ad namic fevers, in all conditions of deproved nutrition from indigestion and mal-assumtation of food, in nervous prostration from mental or physical ex, ertion, and in the strumous diachesis in adults ur young persons, it is a combination of great reliaility aud enticacy. jan23 DR. LIBBEY'S DYSPENSARY, (Cor.

Willson avenue and Ensigu street, a abort distance to the right of Woodland av.) Dr. Libbey has been in constant practice for the past twenty-eight years: during this time he has diagnosed over thirty thousand cases. He cures all forms of chronic diseases. He de scribes the condition of a person by having the name and age. He cures with pure vegetable rededies, and sends them to all parts of the country, performing remarkable cures withont seeing the patient.

All consultations are Poor people treated gratuitously. marls: DRS. BONAPARTE ('0. PRIVATE AND DISEASES Weaknessos. PRIVATE DISEASES cured in the shortest possible time, at tha Cincinnati Lock Hospital, 182 without the use of mercury, lass of time, or change of diet.

DR. BONAPARTE, by special study and experlence in the hospitals of New York, London and Paris, is enabled to guarantee a cure in the most complicated cases. Recent cases of Gonorrhes and Syphilis cured in a few days, without change of diet or bindrance from business. Secondary Syphili3-the last vestige-eradicated without the use of mercury. Involuntary losses of sem*n stopped in a short time.

Sufferers from impotency or loss of sexual power, restored to full vigor in 8 few weeks. Gleet or Gonorrhea of long standing, where all internal remedies have failed, nently and speedily cured by a new treatment. Victims of self-abuse and excessive venery, fering from Spermattorrhea, and loss of physical and mental power, Indigestion. Constipation, Erupt aro t.ous, treated for Nervous Liver Cough, Complaint. Hypochondria, Dyspepsia, and Core.

sumption, by ignorant men, who mistake muld. the. effects for the causes of the evil, and thus ply both. Married men, and those contemplating ma" raps should restore rigor to their bodies and minds, era they entail misery and diseaso upon of thel: MEDICAL BOOK sent for two 3 cent posterity. stamps.

Communications by mai: entirely confidential No letters will be answered unless they contain remittance or A postage stamp. Call or address; DRS. BONAPARTE, REYNOLDS No. 182 Sycamore bet. FiSh and Sixth, eas side, Cincinnati, Ohio.


Old Tin and Composition Roofs of every tion Repaired satisfactory on the most reasonable terms. Office, No. 211 Ontario street, Cleveland, Ohio. mar30-6m HARNESSES. J.

HI. HEMSTREET, Manufacturer of LIGHT HARNESSES I OF ALL. DESCRIPTIONS. Harness Harnesses sold for known to Twenty-five the Trade as Dollars, All others the Nine Stitch low in proportion. Repairing neatly and promptly executed.

All work done by hand machine Room 3, second floor, No. 71 Michigan street. apritf of Seminal Weakness, Los PRESCRIPTION FREE. For Manhood the and speedy all disorders brought on by indiscre tion excess. Any Druggist has the Ohio.

ingredients Address CO. Cincinnati, Ay ablished in 1869..

The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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