The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


HAYWARD. FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1850. TERMS. Daily, city 87 00 Mail 6 00 Tri-Weekly, city 3 Mail 3 83. Weekly.

2 00 Democratic Nominations. For Governor, REUBEN WOOD, OF CUYAHOGA COUNTY. For the Board of Public Works, ALEXANDER P. MILLER. OF BUTLER COUNTY EDITORIAL CORRESPONDEN A Trip on Jake and Cities--Carp River and the Iron Region.

A CLIFTON HOUSE, EAGLE RIVER, Aug. DEAR I am on the shore of Lake Superior, about 300 miles the Saut, comfortably situated in the co*ck the renowned "Clifton," looking out world, and a new world it is to ine, of and waters. This is "an extensive stranger traveling these big waters can. be struck with a new and overpowering sion of its vastness. The "Saut," always sidered the last port to sun-down, is but opening gateway to the great Northwest.

is a world of itself, with ocean, seas, mountains, lakes, and rivers. Hero is the speculator, jobber, and pleasure hunter, crowding steam eail craft from port to port, and visiting the (in embryo,) town, and country. We did expect to find in tbese primitive regions such world as this. You must kuow wo left the "'Saut' for upper country on the good Steamer Manhattan, a Propellor by the by, that has as good dations and makes better time than one half Steamboats on the lower Lakes. She her 10 and 11 miles an hour with ease, aud Capt.

COLWELL in command, and old Capt, LEY, the Pioneer ot these waters, as Pilot, sengers can play Eucher or go to sleep with fect surety that all is right outside; and LEWIS, stewerd, and REDINGTON, clerk, tho ternal arrangements are most complete. There is not much of incident to note in trip. We left the "Saut" on foot over the tage, the Hotels furnishing a cart for our gage. After ascending the little rise at the lage, it is a dead level to the landing above, a rocky road thrown up out of a swail. are no less than five taverns in this short of of a mile.

We notice also the grade the new Rail Road, which is fast approaching completion, and we see too the track of Manhattan, made in her passage over the tage last spring. Another item also attracted attention, it was a ditch running the whole tance from the Lake above to the navigable waters below, and which we learned was dug Government for a race-way supply a sawas long ago as when the Fort at this place built. Having served that purpose, it was doned and the saw -mill torn down, and this the neck of land which the have petitioning Government for the last 20 years cross with a little deepor channel, but which been pertinaciously refused. All on board, our Propellor had to back from the dock with her stern up stream, 50 the falls were we and the current running strong. But once adrift we rounded to pointed our figure head for the broad Lake.

considerable distance above the Falls it is called the St. Mary's River, the channel being somewhat narrow and the current considerable. soon launched into the "big where lose sight of the North shore, and have to interost ourselves with what we can see on Yankee land. White Fish Point is the first 1 place of note.Here is a light House, a few Indian huts, a long sandy beach, with several mounds in the lance. We landed a Missionary here, in a small boat.

Darkness closed the scenery upon us and the next morning we rose with the sun view the for far famed painted Rocks. It was fortunate for us that we had just emerged from dream land and could not go back again fo 6000, to allow our imagination to figure and fill those pictures. They were not what our fancy had painted them. SCHOOLCRAFT must have seen them in the grey of the evening. while clining upon his mossy couch in the bow of canoe, and probably thinking of friends and home, of perils past, and perils yet to conio.

A high bold bank, with crevices here and there, and shadows intermingled, some. by a strong effort of the imagination, resembling Indians groups, were all the sights we saw. The Old arch Cavern, or Kitchen, which was a regular Maid's running back into the bank far enough admit several small boats, was all that repaid us the loss of our morning nap. We 60011 made (trand Island Bay, a beautiful harbor between an elbow Island of that name and the main land. Here we ran our nose, i.e.

the Propellor's nose, ashore, and took on wood, giving the passengers an opportunity to gather whortleberries, cherries, while others crossed over the woods and took a bath. We now steamed it to Manito leland. thence to Copper Harbor; here is an old Fort, a beautiful Lake, with hills in the rear. Indeed, the coast of hills, one back all along presents ranges with the Lake of the other, running parallel and covered with a stinted of timber. No clearing, unless it be a growth bald faced mountain to break the monotony of the view.

The next morning at daylight we found our. selves at Eagle Harbor. Here we found a Pier just built, some half a dozen houses, and a pile of Copper from the North Western Mine. A Light WITHERELL House is here building, by HUTCHINGS, of Cleveland. I forgot to mention that we landed the before at Carp River, the' port of day entry to the great Iron region.

Here we found quite a settlement. a steam saw mill, an Iron furnace and foundry just erecting on a large scale, and immense boulders from the Iron Mountain, lying a few miles back of this place. This iron is so pure that it can be drawn from the ore into horse nails. It is calculated that four tons of the ore will make three tons of iron. They are going to try the experiment of smelting it on the ground with charcoal.

Large smelting works have also been erected in Detroit, taking the ore from here and bringing from Cleveland. No place could compete with our own city in this business were our capitalists disposed to take hold of it. We landed here this morning, and for the sake of visiting the famous Cliff and other mines in this vicinity, stopt off and let the boat go on to Ontonagon, calling for us on its return. Here is Eagle Hiver, a stream of water about half the size of Tinker's Creek, furnishing no harbor whatever, Here too, is a saw mill, a ball alley, several dwellings, and two crack Hotels. As I said before, I ain now sitting in the co*ck loft of the Clifton, or in other words, looking out of the garret window of a ware house, which you must know has been finished up into a tip top Hotel.

"The accommodations are good, front windows curtained, floor carpeted, a lounge and but two beds in the room. The dining hall is just back, with a sitting room and kitchen in rear, and on a level with the ground. On either side are sleeping rooms under roof, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, A triangle on the corner of the roof tells us when we are hungry, and the disappearance of the trout, white fish, fresh beef, ham, eggs; berries, pies and cakes, tells us how hungry we were. We have a young, tidy, good looking hostess, who does her own work, there being 110 such things as servants here, and what is done is done well.

In our humble le opinion the Clifton is a better kept house than either the Astor or the Burnett. To- morrow I amn off for the Mines, so look out for a report from the realms below. Yours, Johnston and the Kontucky Slave Case. JOHNSTON takes great credit to himself for making an argument in behalf of JERRY 'HINNY, at Frankfort, in 1846. He was detailed for this service by Gov.

MORDECAI BARTLEY, and was paid for his services of the contingent fund of the State. JOHNSTON has got a large edition of this speech struck off in pamphlet form and which is he calculated distributes gratiously from the stump, to serve his Free Soil friends through the present campaign. Whoever will take the pains to read this wonderful production will see that tho law argument in the case is one thing and peroration another. 'The argument was prepared for him by a legal gentleman of Cincinnati, but the peroration is all JOHNSTON'S. It pay's a sickening and lying compliment to the chivalry aud liberality of Kentucky slave whippers, and disgusted the Liberty men of Iamilton county, so at the time that they charged him with disgracing himself and the State.

Not a Free Soiler in Hamilton county will vote for the deinagogue JOHNSTON, nor will he be countenanced any where among Liberty men, when his character in this respect is known. It is said by those who were present at the trial that in conversation with the slave holders at Frankfort, he continually apologised for the argumemt which duty not choice, compelled him to make. And this is the man who goes about the State begging Free Soil votes! Giddings vs. Filmore. Giddings has already made his mark on the new Administration.

In a late speech 011 the Texas Ten Million Bill, he thus apostrophises on Fillmore's late message and Websters recreancy. He says: icy, and ends messago with begins with Gen. Taylor's It begins in that of the Secretary of State. lanimity. It boldness, and ends in political puss*lcommences by maintaining our render them up.

It begins by advising informing Texas surnational rights, and closes by ting and that she ends must submit to constitutional by proffering to pay her richly if she authority, will but obey the In speaking of Mr. Webster, Mr. Giddings says: No slaveholder has gone so far to degrade the North, 28 the present Secretary of outstripped In this respect, Mr. Webster has State, even the Slaveholders. His fairly sitions in the Senate during the propoare odious aud offensive to session, present now the master spirit of the administration.

people. He He is the its has policy. stamped It his will image and superscription the wall: Mene, prove the hand writing upon upon ready inscribed upon its policy. is almene, tekel 46 Puss in Boots.99 When would-be-Governor JoHNSTON found himself out of office at the end of the TYLER Administration, ho straightway began to "lay pipe" for another official boost. He a member elect from Cincinnati applied to to help him the Judgeship, a place which two years after he got.

The member asked him if there would be any opposition. "Certainly," said JOHNSTON, is JOHN C. WRIGHT, editor of the Ciucinnati Gazette, successor to CHARLES G. HAMMOND, a mere in Boots, wants a relation of his, a Mr. CoFFIN But Mr.

in Boots" prevailed. Mr. CoFFIN was JOHNSTON appointed Judge, and upon the latter's resigning, to his long sought for succeeded Judgeship. Texas Common Sense and Patriotism. given While of so the many prodigious accounts deadly are being or is doing, to put an end to means to things Texas ranny of the the intolerable while attempts Government at Washington, the ridiculous have been made to link her movement Southern General and Mexican confederacy from Texas expresses Houston, the Senator He was declaring his dissent sentiments the following.

the in the Senate "protest" of the Southern Senators, and reasons for voting for the California loved, (he said,) and bill: sented this Union too well to State he reprethe any treasonable design or movement. countenance had too much trouble and They had Union, to have any desire to anxiety get out to get again. into the He of was in the Union, and could it. His State would be whipped out not ever." stand by the Union forBalt. Sun.

We have always known dom that barking dogs selbite, and that they will bark as loud and growl as savage to get a bone as at a real is no danger of fight. Who Killed co*ck Robin! It is said that Col. BENTON, on the day after the defeat of the Omnibus Bill, while Mr. CLAY was accusing Mr. PEARCE of killing the bill, was striding up and down the lobby, when some ser-by asked him what the debate was pas8 merely sir," said he, "a small post mortem tion which killed the Compromise.

It is a quosexamination of co*ck Robin, sir: nothing else." Empire Hall. Siegler's California Panorama opened last evening to a large and respectable audience, wlio appeared to be highly pleased with the entertainment. Let all go to-night to and take the Empire Hall, York, visit passage to California--start from New double the principal cities of South America, the Cape, and find yourself in the Gold Diggings, away up the Sacramento, in less than no time. We are requested to say there will be an bition Saturday afternoon, exhicommencing at half past two o'clock, for the entertainment of families who cannot attend at night. Cholera in Chicago.

The Board of Health of report that the number deaths in the city since their Aug. last report, up to 14. 21, were 21, adults 14, children 7-cholera THE SIAMESE. -A letter, in the North Caroliua Star, datad Mount Airy, Surrey county, in of that the State, July 21st, alluding to the late story Siamese Twine, says 20th. well were at iny office on" jesterday, the ever hearty, and AS fully of lite as.

their them--speaking of the prospect of saw crop, also ther wives and children. Of the latter, they have nine of as as the State can produce in one hearty children IT Thanks to Mr. C. LEWIS, of Ohio Cit. for a basket of very large early Tillotson Peaches, the first of the season.

Oh! The Forrest Divorce Case before Court. well as by their mutual vows; they to that chastity which should be the marriage state, yet the said rest, in violation of marriage a considerable time past, given terous practices, and been with a certain George Jainison, at the State of Ohio, to wit, in the adelphia aforesaid, and within the of your honors, and also with the Jamison at the city of New York, of New York, to wit, in the county phia aforesaid, and within the your honors, and also with one N. the city of New York aforesaid, one Samuel Marsden Raymond, at New York aforesaid, and also with Willis, at the city of New York also with one Calcraft, at the York aforesaid, and also with one at the city of New York aforesaid, one Henry! Wickoff, at the city aforesaid, also with ohe Wm. at the city of New York aforesaid, vers other persons whose names are this libellant unknown. Wherefore lant, further showing that he is a commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and therein for more than one whole the filing of his libel, prays your may issue to summon the rine Forrest to appear in this honorable September torm next, to answer this and that a decree may be made bellant from the marriage bond had never been married, or as Catharine Forest were naturally dead.

And this your libellapt will always EDWIN Edwin Forres, being sworn, says forth in the foregoing libel are true knowledge and belief, and complaint is not made out of levity lusion between him and her, the said and for the mere purpose of being parated from each other, but in sincerity the cavse mentioned in the said EDWIN Sworn and subscribed before me, an the city of Philadelphia, this 7th 1850. JoEL COOK, The issued to Mrs. Forrest returnable on the 3d Monday of next SOMETHING FOR EVERY WORKING Scientific American says that solved gutta percha have been in use faculty', for two years. The were bound inseparable froth Catharine Forvow, hath, for herself to guilty adultry Cincinnati, in county of Philjurisdiction said George in the State of Philadeljurisdiction of P. Willis, at and also with the city of one Richard aforesaid, and city of New Jno.

B. Rich, and also with of New York H. and Howard, at present to your libelcitizen 1 of tho has resided Mr. Edwin Forrest has made his declaration of complaint before the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of the city and county of Philadelphia, in the case of his wife. It is the beginning of the suit for a divorce.

'The following is the complaint: To the lion. Judges of the Court of Common I'leas of the City and County of Philadelphia: The libel and petition of Edwin Forrest regpectfully represents: of That on the day of A. D. 1837, he was lawfully joined in inarriage with Catharine Sinclair, his present wife, and from that time hath lived and in all respects demeaned himself as A kind and affectionate husband, and although by the laws of God, as year previons honors that said CathaCourt at complaint; divorcing this hiaforesaid, as if if the said pray, FORKEST. that facts to the best that the said and by colCatharine, freed and seand truth libel.

FORREST. Alderman day of AugAlderman. is made month. MAN. The Plasters of' disamong the discovery Cambridge, to dissolve rate for cuts fingers cut.

or him go. to a this gutta to the finthin white the skininssant, and cotton displaster also, hands of 8. The remains of the Compromise Bill only that part providing a territorial goverment being for Utah, the Mormon settlement the western part of California, is now before Deseret, of House. The territory is bounded as On the west by the State of California, follows: on the by the territory of Oregon, on the east north summit of tho Rocky Mountains, and on From south by the 37th parallel of north latitude.miles north to south the territory is about far across, and probably more than twice from east to west. The act provides for and Governor, Secretary, Marshal, District Attorney dent three judges, to be appointed by the Presisist of for a four years and the legislature to confor council of thirteen members, elected two years, and a house of representatives, twenty-six members, elected annually, to chosen citizens by of "free white male inhabitants." nized as the United States, and those The citizens by the treaty with Mexico.recog- Goveinor salaries of those officers are as follows: tendent of $1500, Indian and $1000 more as SuperinJudges, $1800 Affairs Secretary $1800 ture, $3 per day, each members of the Legislatravel.

A Delegate to Congress twenty miles' for every those qualified to vote to be chosen by lature, who is allowed for members of the Legisallowed the same mileage that session, the we Delegate from Oregon. ($2500 each of the United think.) The Constitution and laws ritory are extended over the terStates or and it is provided that when the any portion of it is adinitted as a Staie, territory be received into the Union out slavery, as their constitution with or withat tho time of their admission," may prescribe and that Con. or gress attach may divide the territory into two or more, Territory. any portion of it to any other State or Pocket Sympathy of the Herald. is an American one and belongs to we believe.

Chloroform is employed the gutta percha solution is first If a printer gets the points of his the cuticle worn with new type, let druggist and get them pointed with percha liquid no sooner is it applied gers than they are covered with a hard, but flexible firmly adhering to the chloroform evaporates in an leaves the gutta percha behind. Gun solved in chloroform makes a good but not like gutta percha for the Territory of Utah. of The Gen. atteinpt to get up sympathy for the Taylor on account of his broken fortune family in order to Galphinize still further Treasury, the National tations, slaves, is all Bank gammon. stock, He has left in planan estate to tho cash on deposite, and at the time of enormous value of $200,000.

lar. his death did not owe a dolYet the Cleveland Herald, and papers of that stamp, that an patriotic Gen. Taylor's family, them benefit com- of priation be made by Congremend the approof plete the an unfinished sugar plantation late President. Will this speculation plunder of the public treasury never unblushing Standard. have in TRAVELING ON THE OHIO 50 YEARS AGo.

lished in our 1796, possession a little dingy in which is an advertisem*nt of pub- a sheet new Louisville, line 'of from keel boats between Pittsburgh and to start once of which places a boat was. each the in a fortnight. The patronage of public is sought on the ground that the enterprise is new and expensive, and because the boats not only furnish good but have sides sufficiently thick to a accommodations, against the rifles of the Indiane, while protection fence each boat has four muskets deballs each. Ohio has now two carrying pound habitants, millions of inhardly begun and though her resources have as ret covered to be developed; her great river is with railroads with and steamboats, her soil intersected gee and Bocton Register. with villacanals, and dotted been DIED OF A TECHNICALITY.

-This the verdict of the coroner's have should of the unfortunate man in Boston jury on the body the who sent to tion for a Apothecary dose of his physician's written prescrip. corrosive calomel, but received a dose of doctor sublimate, which killed him. The wrote "Submuriate Hydra," instead "calomel," and the Apothcary read it "Muriate of patient died. or "corrosive sublimate." So the 03 A white gunpowder, is said to be powerful than black, has been manufactured more England. It is composed of chorate in loaf sugar, and prussiate of potash.

of potash, Lake county, R. late term Supreme Court in 13 At the was admitted as O. Hammond. of Akron, and Solicitor Attorney and Counsellor at Law in Chancery. -Standurd.

POPULATION OF AKRON By the taken it appears that Akron contains at census this just population of 3,253. Population in 1840 time was 1,665. IT business The this Virginia Springs are doing a first rate White 700 season. There are now at the Blue. visitors; 150 at the sweet, and 60 at Travelers) Directory.

every Daily evening Line of Steamboats-DETROIT Lift. -Leave (Shndays excepted) at 7 oc'lock. cepted) for Buffalo, LINE. Leave every evening (Sundays exat 7 o'clock. dusky; -Leave day at 12 M.

for SanBuffalo. and every duy (Sundays excepted) at 2 P. M. for for Chicago LINE. -Leave every day (Mondays excepted) Reed's TOLEDO LINE- intermediate ports, from 12 to 4 P.M.

and down. -Leave every morning at8 o'clock, up Massilon PACKET LINE. Leave every evening for Akron and RAIL at 64 o'clock. clock leave every morning at 8 o'- ROAD 5 P. M.

(Sundays excepted) for Wellington, and retuth at er London CIEVELAND leaves AND SAUT STE MARIE The steamNtages leave every Monday evening. as follows: Watren Eastern, and Western. Massilon and Columbue, 8 A.M. Pittsburgh, 10 o'clock P'. M.

07 Fot further particulars see Advertisem*nts. LAKE RECORD. Port of 23, 1850. ENTERED. S.

H. Bt. Ham Ward, McQucen, Bt. Tec*mseh, Huff, Buffalo. Detroit.

Schr. Schr. Oswego, Mackinaw, McKnight, Oswego; 1000 bbls salt, Thomson, do 292 do 52 Scow pha mdr; 250 bbls water line, 36 casks spikes. Wolverine, Cartwright, Algomac; 65 lumber. CLEARED.

S. S. Bt. Sain Ward, McQueen; Detroit. Brig Bt.

Tec*mseh, luff, Buffalo. Clation, Fierce, do 55 M. staves. Brig Schr. Virginia, Douglass, Eric.

Eric, Craig. Chatbatn. Schr. Kosciusko, rerew, Budalo: 141 bbls flour, 21 tons pig iron. Schr.

Hudson, Kennan, do 393 do 1900 bu corn, 20 kegs butter: SEht. Cramer; do 8882 bush corM: COMMERCIAL. Corner Ontario and Suinmit sts. a1122-2w SEIGLER'S CALIFORNIA PANORAMA. PLAIN DEALER OFFICE, AUGUST 23, 1950.

CANAL RECEIPTS. -Flour, 602 bbis; pork 18 do; whisky 100 do; wheat 11,030 bush; corn 4090 do; coal butter 13,172 wool 16,474 do; iron 43, nails 31,430 do. a wide -The market is very dull to-dny, there being difference in the views of holders and buyers. FLoUR--Sales yesterday of 100 bbls City Mills at $1. WHEAT- Wc have one sale to report: 4000 bush at 73c: which appears to be the top of the market.

Mort hold. ere, however, sticking for 78c. From CORN--NO Pales. From teams teams 73c. 47c.

OATS--From tcams 30c. Sales of 150 bbls highwines at 21c; 200 eacks dairy salt at 10c; tons pearls at $5 25; 2 tons Salaratus 13: 'The receipts of flour are much heavier at Buffalo from Ohio than all other sources. The from total all places for the 2 weeks in August, were 12,398 bt lg flour; 02,133 bush wheat, and 83,198 do corn. Total exports 13,260 bbis flour. The splendid Upper Cabin Steamer America 19 now lying In Buffal.

and undergoing an extensive overhauling and repairing. The steamier Empire nently fixed being permain the Buttalo and Sandusky Line, the America fills her place in Chicago Line. The America will be in complete order in a few days, and will leave Baffalo for Chicago August 30th. off 07 Erie, The broke steamer St. Lowis on her one of her bed plates, so that she trip, when downward to be towe dto this port.

will have morning by the Tec*mseh. Her -Butalo passengers Com. arrived this No CHICAGO MARKET- -August 21. Mills, and that coming but in except nominal what is taken by the wheat City wheat and flour are declining. 10 Wheat amount.

Frices for for ter. Flour 75. winFarewell Benefit of the The GREAT HERR ALEXANDER: celebrated Magician, who has induced the worldrenowned Chemist, Astrologer and hi, br. DUNA COMBE, FRIDAY to favor hint with his surprising AND SATURDAY EVE'GS, Ang. 23d and 24th, at the MELODEON, Cleveland.

1 Admission 25 centa. 8 Doors open at haf past 7. Performanee to commence at and conclude at 10 o'clock. au23-tf W. L.

MARVIN, DEALER IN STOVES, of alll varieties, and manufacturer of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, No. opposite the 60 Superior Weddell House, Cleveland, 0., Particuler attention paid 10 Roofing, ali23 IF FAMILY Fall Term of the Family School commences Monday; Sent. 2d. from New York GRAND to MOVING PANORAMA of Voyage San Francisco VIA Cape Horn, presenting a series magnincent Views of the most inent Cities and Islands along the Atlantic promand Pacific coasts of North and South America, ramas and splendid Dioof the California Gold Diggings and Washings on the Sacramento River, and 10 conclude Grotto or Subterrancan Palace--will be Magic wilh a exhibited at the Empire 22. Hall for one week, commencing on Aug.

Thureday, Tickets of admission 25 ceuts; children 15 cents. Doors open at 74 o'clock; panorama ing at at 4 past 8 precisely. commences movCleveland, Aug. 21, 1850. is at IT CLAIRVOYANCE -A CARD.

As there this time much interest manifested in regard to this city with Clairvoyance, in order that all who desire it may have an opportunity of satisfying truth of this wonderful power, of the themselvEs poses to satisfy Dr. WESTERVELT proHe will give those desirous, on following terms, viz: tione of character for l'hrenological one dollar: examinations and descripscription of persons, business, will success, give inquires a defriends in California or an other of one dollars. part of the world, for Medical examinations, with a cause of disonec, whether or perfect not curable, description of curable, a prescription for the cure, and 'These examinations are all for 82. in all cases the most profound conducted in private, and quirers are not entisfied that the truth secrecy has observed. If inno charge witl be made.

been told them Office, No. 138 St. Clair-st. N. remain B.

in As it is not expected that the a great while, all who Clairvoyant will this powers will do well to call soon. wish to test her P'. A. WESTERVELT. L' YOUNG LADIES 2d next of session September, of 21 weeks will commence with increased facilities on for study.

Monday, Jin- the internal provements are now in process, by means arrangements may be so modified as of to which promote the in a higher degree the ends of School Circulars may to had gratuitously at all Education. stores after the 25th inst. the City Bookau19 w2t E. HOMER, Principal. DOCT.

W. C. BENEDICT, Philadelphia FORMERLY Hospital, Resident PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON and in the has opened an Ofice at No. late of Brooklyn, New York, opposite the Weddell House. 6.

Merchants' Exchange, Residence No. 62 Bank street. au10 ARE YOU INSURED? Hartford Life and Health Ins. CASH CAPITAL $100,000. OFFICERs.


Secretary. CAMERON, Ex'g. Physicians, References. T. Hon.

Reuben Wood, T. C. C. Spencer. Severance, Messrs.

Raymond North. Wm. Binghatu, Seth W. Clark Morgan. Johnson, Esq.

1850, This Company has declared a dividend of 70 after deducting all expenses and 4 for meet with future losses. reserving a fund to ENSWORTH A CHADWICK, Agents, 00 California Risks Office in Exchange Buildings. Drs. WILLIAMS DODGE, HOMWOPATHISTS. Office No.

E0 Empire Building, C. D. WILLIAMS, M. Superior Cleveland, O. L.

DODGE, Residence No. 248 Superior-st. M. Residence No. 13 Erie street.


tower, and HILL are agents for Shot made at this are prepared to furnish all sizes. 0 CHARLES HIcKox will receive orders. ju10-31 MARRIED. Mr. At Boydon, Woonsocket, R.

on the 12th by the Rev. Capt. C. U. STANARD and Mrs.

ELIZABETH G. HARRIS, both of Cleveland. NP Cake expected. On Thursday evening, the 22d by the Rev. J.

Mc Eldowney, Mr. JouN CORLETT and Miss Margaret CUBBON, ail of this city. Mr. In EDWIN Brooklyn, 0., August 22d. by Rev.

William Disbro, SMITH and Miss MARY F. PARKER. Mr. In SAMUEL Streetsborough, on 8th by G. W.

Barclay, BEARDSLEY and Miss MARGARET YONTS, all of Ravenna. At the same time and place, by the same, HORATIO WARD and Miss BETSEY BABco*ck, all of the came place. Second Hand Books. following Books; on account of being a little soil- ed, are offored at the low prices annexed. Ports, and Anierica, Steel engravings Webster a Speeches Could tot Labaume's Campaign in Russia, 62d.

Scow's Poetical Works, 8 vols. 73c. Golownin's Japan, London edition, $1 25. Mra. Trollop's Brittany.

2 vols. 25 Hazlitt's Napolron, 3 vols. 82. Furguson's Philosophical Lectures, 8 vo 13c. Bishop Mant'a Primitive Christianity, 8 vo 62c.

Vacation Rombles, by 'I'. Noon Tallourd. Ic. Latrobe' Solace of Song, steel plates, 50c. Kingston's Akethee, 2 vols.

73c. Frost's History of the Colonics, 37c. Tennyson' Princess, 25c. Bryant's Fountain, and other poctus, 23e. Vigil of fauh, 23c Legare's Poems, 25c.

J. Russell Lowell's Poems, 37c. Wife of Leon, The Sinless Child, 25c. Satantoe, by Cooper, 25c. The Ruby, Merl plates.

73c Mia Helen's, Poems, 2 vol, $1 $0. Entertaining Philosopher, London Edition, 'ic. Parkhurst's Hebrew Lexicon, $1. Hebrew Bible, 2 vols complete. Frey's Hebrew, Latin and English Lexicon, $2.

Also, 20 vols. Wiley Jabrary of Readings, for sale at less han cost. au23 M. C. YOUNGLOVE.

some Situation. respectable by a young establishment. man, 17 subscriber has had some knowledge of business, capable of keeping accounta. For further particulars address B. F.

Box 417, Office. au23Lost! Lost. A LARGE on New when left Foundland a large Dog, brass about collar nine and strap around Ins neck. Any office. information of said Dog will be kindly received this au23-1d very choice Table Butter at94 Superior-street.

ally B. DUNN, New Publications. THE tion," 50c. DESERTED WIFE, by the author of "RetribuMadeline O' Moore, by Lever. 25c.

Rnoulle de Bragallone, by Dumas, 50c. Frank F'arleigh, 50c. Ned Buntline's Life- Yarn, complete, 50c. The Cholera Fiend by Averill, 25c. Norman Leslie.

by the author of Amy Harrington, Jaines Mountjoy, by A. Roe, in two vols. 75c. received at (au21) PEARSON'S. conducted OUSEHOLD by Charles Dickens, Weekly sets the commencement of its publication.

I'rice 6d No. au22 PEARSON'S. RACK setts of NUMBERS MONTHLY now for as far as published, sale. (au22) M. C.

YOUNGLOVE CO. FALLSTYLE OF received at No. 19 a large assortinent of CAPE, UMBRELLAS, GOODYEAR'S INDIA RUBBER LIFE PRESERVERS, JACKETS CrOAKs, Carpet Bags, Trunks and Valises, Hatters' and 'Trimmings, au22 R. N. DOCKSTADER.

PRAIRIE CHICKENS WILD DUCKS. Received from the a small lot of the above, at COZENS' Saloon, au2? Opposite the Weddell House. daily by press, packed in ice. At Saloon, au22 Opposite the Weddell. DELAINS' and cotton and -A wool De splendid Lains, assortment at au'21 47 B.

I. SPANGLER. DEALERS--A Log and Board complete best thing ever used, bran new at (au21) FLEURY'S. Net Goods. TAMES H.

KELLEY have just ceived a splendid stock of BL'K GRO DE ITALIC new article, and said to be a perfect guarantee against cracking. (au22) 78 EMPIRE. LADIES colors KID and at -Of superior quality, JAS. H. KELLEY and Linens, just received at aut2 KELLEY BEE received at LACE KELLEY large variety, Forest City Course.

5 The first CLEVELAND, OHIO, AUGUST 12, 1350. over this Regular Trotting and Pacing meeting will course, commencing TUESDAY, AUGUST 27TII. being and cur for the first meeting, the l'urses are necessarily bencfit of Northern Ohio Horses. All entrances addressed to be inade the day previous to the race, by letenclosing to the the "'Secretary of the Forest City Jockey Entrance Fee, and name and description of the Horse entered. FIRST DAY 27, 1-30-Pure $10-Enttance Mile heats to go in harness.

Free for all Northern Trotting Horses. SECOND DAY--AUGUST 29. -Purse $15-Entrance Mile heats in harness, best 3 in 5. Free for all Northern Ohio Trotting Horses. THIRD DAY 29.

Purse $10--Entrance $5. beats in barbers. Free for all Northern Ohio PaHorses. FOURTH DAY -AUGUST $100-Entrance Two mile heats in harness. Free for all Northern Trotting Horses.

FIFTH -AUGUST $. Foot Race. 10 the second best. This day is also open for any matches that mny be made during the week. In all matches it will be onehalf forfeit, and ten per cent.

to be given to the course. By order of the FOREST CITY JOCKEY CLUB. The following nained Horses are capected to be on the ground, and will contend for the above purses, most of which are now here, viz: KATE CRAZY STAINS, LORD BYRON, JENNY LIND, JANF, INDIAN MAID, KITY CLOVER, GEN TROUBLER, BLIND IS AAC, SIR HENRY, TAYI OR, MAZEPPA, UNKNOWN. FANNY ELStER, RIPTON, MODEST JIM. Much sportis anticipated, and our country friends are At a particularly invited to be on hand and participate.

Resolred, meeting of the "Forest City Jockey it was That for the coming Races, commencing on adopted Tuesday, by the August 27th, 1830, we be governed by rules York Jockey Club," with the following exceptions: of 1st. the day All entrics shall he made on or before the evening the previous to the race, under seal, addressed to trance Secretary money, of and the "Forest City Club." enclosing engiving name and description of horse entered. 2d. None but those known as "Green Northern Horses" will Trotting be allowed to start for either of the three advertised Purses. Other than such horses so entered shall forfeit their entrance 1 distanced if not known until the termination of a heat or the race.

the 3d. distance For these present races no horse will be distanced. pole being bared out. P. -Letters addressed 10 the, Secretary to he left at the the stable Weddell of Messrs.

GEER Bank Street, House. opposite Arrangements of the old Established House of ROCHE BROTHERS MASTERSON, For 1850. Regular The Lines subzcribers continue to bring out passengers by of splendid Packet Ships, sailing from Livthe of erpool any delay every at six days. thereby preventing the possibility cline port. When the passengers paid for, decoining out, the money is retunded without deduction, on presenting the Passage Certificate and Receipt.

-Drafts at sight can be had at all times, drawn direct on the Royal Bank of Ireland, and on don, Messrs. Prescott, Ci rote, Ames Brokers, Lonwhich are paid tree of discount or any charge whatever, land, in all Scotland the and principal towns throughout England, IreWales. Apply or address, (if by letter. post-paid). Maiden ROCHE BROTHERS MASTERSON.

161 Lane, 3 doors from N. York. Oviatt's Or, PETER CURRY, Agent, New Block, near Superior-st. CLEVELAND, OHIO. IT All passengers brought out by R.

B. Line of Peas. Ships Beans, are found in Biscuits, Flour, Rice, Oauneal, pure Potatoes, and Pork. Also, a sufficiency of water daily, 1850-tt and vinegar during the voyage out. August 21, Groceries and Ship Chandlery.

THE sortinent of SUBSCRIBERS are nOw receiving large asall of which GROCERIES SHIP CUANDELRY, this they will sell as low as any other city, (BUFFALO not excepted). They would Stock is invite good, those and they are prepared to sell cheap. them a call at their who wish to purchase. to give on Old Stand, next below R. Winslow the dock and River street.

au21 J. J. ROSS. 25 RICO HHDS. ST.

SUGARS--for CROIX sale by AND PORTO au21 J. J. ROSS. 20 FEE PULVERIZED nice article, for AND sale COFau21 J. J.

by ROSS. 100 COILS MANILLA Marlin. AND Honslin, TARRED Hamberline. -for or Spun Yarn, Signal Haliards, Lead Lines and Leads sale by (au21) J. Ac J.

ROSS. 50 A BALES superior article, NAVY for sale ANDNO. by 1 Oakum.au21 (au21) J. J. ROSS.

FALL STYLE OF HATS FOR 1830. -Re. cived this day by a02l L. BENEDICT No. 6 SuperiOr-: --200 Pieces for sale at auls PERRY City Mills Store.

GEORGE A. DAVIS' GREAT POPULAR CLOTHING EMPORIUM! AND FURNISHING DEPARTMENT. STRANGERS visiting the City. And all others in want of GOOD MADE CLOTHING, are requested to call at the N. York and Cleveland Clothing Store, J' COR.

SUPERIOR AND CLEVELAND, The largest Clothing Establiehment in the western country "The Cash Principle" Strictly adhered to, which enables the Farmer, Mechanic or Tradesman, to buy their Clothing on the most tavorable terti, and no establishment west of Boston will be allowed to undersell ps. largest flock to select from experienced There you will find the a lowest prices guarantied-the Cutters and Workmen-and Evtry article of Clothing (from coarse to medium and supertiue), necessary for a Gentleman's Wardrobe. CUSTOM WORK, Made uff in the best manner, AN regards style, fit or to suit, and at prices 25 ct. less than the most of the Clothing Establishments in the City. BOYS CLOTHING CONSTANTLY ON HAND.

The public are respectfully invited to call and exam ine for themselves. Our motto is: OF LARGE SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. £0 August 11, 1850. Lamps and Lanterns. A LI.

THOSE THAT PREFER LIGHT to darkness, will please call, and we can sell them a better Lamp than be found in this city- of all patterns, such as No. Cut Globe Lamps, 2 1 Egg top Rail Road A new article. Police Lanterns, Swing Lamp, for vessels. Au21 J. J.

ROSS. Fluid Lamps. JUST buruing RECEIVED The a most large econornical assortment of and Lamps best light for in use. 131 Seneca Block. au2i A.

8. GARDNER. BROOM the dot. by doz. choice Corn A.

S. Brooms, GARDNER. for sale THE WM. K. DAVID'S ing SAND SOAP.

A new medicated article for the toiler, nettly and highly perfumed Chinese Ficaland for softening, and beautifying the complexion. Also. highly reconnetided for Bathing in Salt or Fresh Water. This Soap combines all the renovating qualities of contmon Sand Soap, at the same time removing all objections 10 its harshness: and it ie warranted superior to any thing of the kind offered in this market. For sale at aul5 STACEY'8 Fancy Store.

A Wheat. KRON by quality, front New aul0 HANDY, HARMON CO. Perfumeries of the best qualities. FROM LUBIN'S Colognes, the very best: Ox Marrow, Bears' Oil, Shaving Cream; genuine Macassar 01l, of A. Rowland Son's manufacture; Edes' higbly retined SpanisM Lilly White, Nymph Soap, warranted good, at aul5 STACEY'S Fancy Store.

-A gentleman and lady can be accommodated with Board. Apply at No. 4: street. aul RUBY COLD (au10) this BECKWITH'S morning, OHIO CITY BLUES are requested to meet at the Hall of Isaac France, in the burgh adjoining Ohio City, on the turnpike, on Thursday Evening. August 20th.

at 6 o'clock P. M. for the election of oflicers. By order of A. SANFORD, au20 Brig.

Gen. 1st Brigade, 9th Division, O. M. NOTICE Whitelaw Proposals Marshall will up to be received Saturday at after- the noon, House August 24th, for the building ofa Buck Engine on Pittsburgh atrect. Plan and specifications can be seen it the same place.

A. WM. GIVEN. au20 Com. on Fire and Water.

DO STIC GOODS. --10 3 do bales heavy do. Sheetings sale at do Cotton Yarn, 5 do Carpet Warp. PERRY aul6 City Mills Store. WESTERN Lithographic RESERVE Prints, Maps, the A Publications and Pediar's Goods generally.

Charts. These Cheap goods a full assortment. They are the most saleable and supplied in large quantities, thus enabling dealers to A popular in the market, and are sold at low prices. M. C.

YOUNGLOVE American House, Cleveland. Herrings--Catch of 1850. TOW LANDING, and for sale by the subscribers. 100 BUls St. George Bay Herrings, aul7 JOHN SEWELL on the Dock.

Ho! for the Water Cure. WILLIS will make two Trips each day 10 the Cute Establishment:" leaving the City at and 24 P.M. Fare, 10 cente each way. Names and may be left at the St. ('lair He will also convey persons to any part of the aul5 Tooth Paste.

P. THURSTON'S Ivory F'earl "Tooth Powder, for removing the Tarter, Scurvy, Canker, and all subby all destructive those to the Teeth. It is universally aptaste, cleanses the mouth and throat. prevents the who have used it. It is delicious 10 B' from aching of decaying, ond blear bey them next the whiteness of snow.

It heals and strengthens the and purifies the breath. This powder acts a3 a dissolvent, accumulation on gradually the decomposing and renroving every teeth. For sale at auto STACEY'S Fancy Store. THE THOSE HAVING HARNESS or Carriages which need offing, will find it for their interest to use of Frank Miller': Leafber Preservative and Proof Blacking. See directions on the labels, on inside of the cover of each box.

sale by SEAMAN SMITH. l'or 'Thrves EXTRA (aul3) MILLS I. L. HEWITT. rates Enquire al ju18 WANTED -A Boy water as Clerk JAMES STACEY'S Fancy Store.

KEGS OF PURE WHITE LEAD. Just received and for sale at the lowest cash at the new Drug Store of' W. I. BEAUMONT 37 Ontario-et, opposite Market. tew respectable young caul Sties, sombly And boarding at No.

2, Middle at, corner of Huron. Co love Hoyt's note, given February 15, 1-50 to Young- Bell a For Saturday afternoon, Ang. 17th, Chamberlin, for $200, eight months, payable at MerBank. The note was endorsed by us. who will the hereby finder reasonable compensation.

The public cautioned against purchasing or taking salu CLARK, MORGAN August 19, 1850. 61 Superior street. Paints, Putty, Glue, LANDING: and for sale by the subscribers: few just kegs White Lead, in Oil, 28 tbs. do Black Paint, 7 28 ibs. do Green do.

3 to 22 d. do Spanish Brown, 28 do. 50 do Red Paint, 28 do. do Yellow Paint, 29 do. 5 bags very superior Glue.

kegs Putty, aub tier's Copperas, JOHN SEWELl. C' the Dock. Under Custom House Lock. this PORT Do. EW --in WINE--Graham's and bottle, very fine Hennessey.

and superior. super. A SHERRY -fine and super. light colored. CLARETS -S.

Estephe, St. Julien, Battailey. pretty. CHAMPAIGNE-Sillory superior, in dor. casey above are of fine quality, and are offered to the at IMPORTERS' PRICES.

I'. ANDERSON. for sale ANDLESS cranks compicte, at FLEURY'S. GRIND STONE SYRUP, Clouds (au14) FLEURY'S. prove thing new -at (aul4) FLEURY'S.

springs attached -some For and County Brands, a SP'ANG full stock CO. for sale. tail, at EXPRESS THIS MORNING- N. Nanking, Checked Cambrics, come. Bid Drills, Bonnet Cord, Deini Veils, Plain Turkey Red Calico.

Checks. Striped and Embr'd Curtain Muslins. BECK at this day Black Silk Mantillas Parasols. ALCOTT HORTON. MARINE cheap, at A fine article, M' N.

E. CRITTENDEN'S. PENS! GOLD large stock ofimproved Pens-lor sale wholesale and retail, at N. K. CRITTENDEN'S.

SPLENDID SHOT GUNS can be found at N. E. CRITTENDEN'S. bauk's Family Flour for Sale. jel FRESH GROUND FAMILY FLOUR, from either Wheat Navarre has Mills, arrived-and I would advise you Erie Mills, Stark Co.

Mills. A Mills, or some of those noted brands. merly R. T. LYON.

Bank. Presses, complete LARD OIL Factory, with situated on Champlain-8t. Enquire at NO. 86 Jin between Bank and Seneca street. LADIES.

-Silk, Woolen, Cotton and Carpet auj Weaving, at the old stand, No. 66, Centre street, heBank and Seneca streets. FRED. FIEKSHERE. A au7 New Establishment.

$1. 10. South from -loft of upon a woods fail to imprescolt- the Here stook and city, not a this the makes with RIP. pasper- with in- our Porbag- vilwith 'There space for the Porour dis- by -mill was abanis been to has out near so and For We we dis- here to an- Choice years The and is Post tf. mouths black at lot 30c.

Just Journal from al and Stock AND West, eX- and re- also For are get be H. 9A. House. city. G.

stances proved the teeth to gums make Water the For aul3 200 prices angin augi! chant's pay are note. NOW 20 30 20 20 20 2 aul? The trade auli At BY just antaco BY ja20 au8 GOLD aud COME aud THAT Now to try Wooster an10 FOR three FOR tween aug5-1m WHOLESALE BOOK TAMILTON L. SMITH and ALEX. STORE. G.

KNIGHT. (late formed of a the firm with MORRIS of business Butfalo), in all will carry on the Bookselling of It will be their its aim branches. to and Stationary of Books every department and cing La Medical, Classical, Literature, assortand Miscellancons Theological, from New the Presh, Publications and special will be received ders left with them as well for attention will be paid as my liCations. 15 AMITI, KNIGHT American yo. Foreign 50 Superior CO.

street. States, in K. Late one volume. with Provident portrait-81 United SMITH, of North Forrester's America book the Fishes of British 10 Frank. FISHING.

Supplement jur9 and the U. States. SMITH, For KNIGHT by CO, ted, by best method of Instruction, explained and With the OGIC OF Charles Davi, L. 1. Illustra AMITH, KNIGHT CO.

A first rate book -for Religious male by Life and D'e ju29 SMITH: hits KNIGHT CO: issued PEARE ever published in EDITION this country, OF BEST ju16 in numbers, and for sale by is now being SMITH, KNIGHT CO. GALES writer, The, of this. Byron, Goldemith, Irish History, which Crabbe, unprecedemed ale in the eastern sities--for had an. har ju16 SMITH, sale by KNIGHT CO. EUTURES read OF 'beneath The book oft for it will extort a laugh from a some oak for sale by (jult) SMITH, disappointed KNIGHT offee socken CO.

OW TO vossessed A author of 1, the talent evinced this charming charming Romance, lady. Ily himself bow it would affect a Bachelor 10 read Make can't say. periment, at (ju16) SMITH. the P14 KNIGHT CO. THE scribed HOME by F.

OF WV. SHAKSPEARE-Illustrated and de vings, for sale by (juti SMITH, thirty KNIGHT three Engra CO H' losophy and Practice of the different Water works on the Phi juti SMITH, KNIGUT Cure--for sale by di ('0. ROSE the LAID Ladies, LETTER PAPER. -A braunful article juti SMITH, unruled--for sale ty" something new, too, ruled and KNIGUT 1'0. CHANNING ON SMITH, For sale by KNIGHT CO.

of the opening of Games, PRECEPTOR translated from -A new anays CHESS with noter, Loudon edition--a few the French, received by (june 2) SMITH, copies KNIGHT this morning CO. the Welch, with a Life and Portrait Sermons, translated CHRISTMAS EVANS' vol. 8vo, for sale by of the Author, La June 29 SMITH, KNIGHT CO. published on the The only reliable book FREMONT'S June 20 golden country, for sale by OMITU. KNIGHT CO.

jc26 SMITH, KNIGHT vale CO. by ON For WHEN got IN some THE good COURSE OF HUMAN EVENTS to advise our friends of this Books. our benevolence prompts attention 10 good fortune, and ark their readable BAYARD volumes TAYLOR'S new Book on servations by a they are. and the result of shrewd obCalliorm-Vers J622 Yankee and clever Poet. SMITH, KNIGHT CO VISIT trations- to Monasteries in the Levant.

for sale by with je22 SMITH, KNIGHT CO. jc22 MANY BOOKS sale by GREAT SMITH, KNIGHT HORACE (jc20) GREELY'S SMITH, Hints KNIGHT towards Reforms. CO. edition of this popular work -for sale at new Botanical Text Book. je20) SMITH, KNIGHT CO.

saje by Received this day 60 Kegs prime leaf A (anin) R. T. LYON 200 sale BELS by MESS (auti) R. T. Inspection LYON.

-for Halifax BROS. NO. Mackerel- FOR New Catch. 300 FOREIGN l'At KING MALE. A Fo.

aul3-17: J'. ANDERSON, on the dock. received this hangeable Milks and Lanen Poplins morning, at aulg Rhine 32. 34 and 36 inch Gro do Silks, just opered at BECKWItit*. Extra Flour for bbls.

Akron City by july29 CHAMBERLIN, CRAWFORD CO. LACES. Reccived this morming SPANGLER. CONSIGNMENT -1000 Harness Leather. Upper Leather, for sale by R.

'U. LYON. celebrated FIRE PROOF SAFES -From neatness of manutactory of BAR P'ittsburgh they finish and security against Fire and for are unsurpassed. For sale at the lowest Cash. SP'ANG CO.

WEBSTER'S DICTIONARIES. Unabridged. just new supply, and for sale at SANFORD'S. TINE HEAVY- WEATHER Bell Com-. best in N.

D. CRITTENDEN'S. held It small, let Club," $5. Ohio $10. Mile cing $10.

Ohio the Alavery Resolutions, delivered in the General which met in Detroit in May Inst, by Joseph ('. published in New York, by Mark 14. Non man Price 25c. Rev. Ur.

Cox's Discourse on the "Bright art Blessed Destination of the World." Price one shilling. sale by (nub) M. C. YOUNGLOVE A by sacks Live tirese for CHAMBERLIN, CRAWFORD CO. Cholera Preventive.

THOSE Circleville I P'ERSONS that used the article Hams, Inst season, are satiatiod they arr to preserve health. and intend to take a more of the same sort. Call soon. R. T.

LYON. sale by (auti) K. T. LYON. LIVE CO.

A' best Roscoe Whisky, for BUTTER provision trade, EGGS, be an had at other good artiR. T. LYON'S. AND WARRANT FOR Land Warrant for one quarter section--for sale at office. if ver First.

LCOTT HORTON have this morning received direct from the Importers, samples of' Fall Bonnet Trimmings. Please call and see them -they are rial No. 37 Superior street. OF BLACKBERexcellent article for Summer complaint by (ju30) W. I.

BEAUMONT CO You can Cure Yourself all Bowel Complaints in a few hours, by purchasing one bottle of Dr. AROMATIC the best medicine known for these discuses. of witnesses can he referred to in this city, to its beneficial effects. sale at the Bookstore of SANFORD, General agent for Ohio. FISH.

--50 wholes and half bbls. Winte Fish, direct from Lake Superior, wholesale and reWATSON'H. B. Boys, those Indian Bows and Arrows have (ju30) J. W.

W. BOILER sale. IRON (au3) SPANG CO. hand large stock. very cheap.

FLEURY'S. SWEEP GOUGES, -In setts or single ones, at FLEURY'S. ILL WRIGHT A large stork, cheap, at (au3) FLEURY'S. HINGES. -A New Pattern -just the thing.

(au33) FLEURY'S. CONSIGNMENT--dnd for sale, Marshall Wallace Co': improved Platform Scales, Patent, (warranted.) (aug?) SPANG CO. rate for fisinng. For vale cheap at H. W.

FLEURY'S WASHINGTON from Cincinnati, have taken the rooms occupied by J. I. Watson, under the Merchant's auld DUNNING the sett, or single FLEURY'N. FROM NEW WHEAT--In bbis, quarter for sale CITY MILLS STORE. GOOD HORSE FOR Enquire at Ontario st..

The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.