Rocky Mount Telegram from Rocky Mount, North Carolina (2024)

i 4A-HocVy44ounl, Evening Telegram. April 29, 1954 Humor No Insult I'M THINKING The Story Of A Lemon 81 AN OLD REPORTER its victims ncrnrriinR to silb-tvppj the hate-to-rio-it flpenrierg UnilPcl Stales Mint xxas ati-tliqi)pfl pi Sun Francism in St Economir spender. He i.s baiEam- TIkiukIii. fer Today-it 1 "The fool ininded. buys anvthins loxx-pneed niiiltiturlp that choose hv shov.

not. -Dollar stretcher, He t.h Iram.njf move than the fond eye makp.jt.vml,..,plf. ,,0 a vour-self dnhlPich -ShaKespraie fanat -Stinns spenrie. Herie- r. piu-es nimseii ot minus he can afford.

Tightwad. He moans over I lie aiillmr ot 1 Rode Sirincxx'all" has inclurifd his r4 every dollar-hp parts with Miser He loves inoiirv. check books, one the Tact.s of vhi-thai exen today is considered by etc hie (inoniil ffaiv is olU nn tssarv In reniui'! our-, pelves that, vxlule it is richt lor a man to take his prulrsMon scrimislx' it is iii, jik imjiorlunt l'r him to retain a sense humor about it. A hijrli m'IhmiI principal at tending the fun ml ion of llic National Association ol ondjirv hunl Trinn pals in reccntlx- lost sik'iI ol that lip nlip'cterl, strrnuoii the vision jirom'ani Mr. IVcppr.v'.

hirh depicts the out ui es of a i school scirncp teacher. He Hint 'Mr. Peepers' is an insult 1o the teachiii); profession. As a niail'T of Tact the is one of the het civ telex Mom ami operate on. Hip premise thai entertainment necl not he aimed cm lusix civ at he year olil Mill.

r. I'ecpfi-." is a i I i 1 1 ie yoimjf man xx ho leachinn sciein o. Hp regards the plant ami 'animals he teaches nliout as lixiiijj tluniys ratlier than as terms in a ami thrie is a them. I he show is xxcll xxnlien, it actors are proficient and its direction is expert. It is natural that a man should resenl anxthnuf he considers an insult to his prolessioii.

Peepers." Iioxxexer, is a tribute rat her than an insult. 'I earner-; port rax p( mi the program emerge as human heins. as pople Hint things happen td. somet imes funny I sometimes things that are a sad. The' make nustake and they soniet'inies' he-hax foolis.hlx- hut throiitrh it all there an irnilei'tone of and liiveney xx 1 1 it-h is conimon t(r idl '-jrood and useful men.

Aim hit ir -which be) xx males "appear, inept, a (le-ervcs i rilirism The slioxx in iues- I ion (loc.s not io hat U'e suspect isioli xxniil.l lo liotler if 11 ore xxTTo Time, prof rams like it and I hilt our sel.ioo'-i.'. vcoilld lielieller hooi if. ''there xxeny tlu-i'e teachers like in heir YV are lad hat, lie ident, in Milvx ankce did not Tviicrrn. anyone ro'n-lic'li'd it li our (OX li system. it i seme- a xvorthy 81TRt hp 0hp.

Ihal i.s. mat The side thai' extreme are the 'compulsive lnaiiKUia'es -k ba.up which spender, be fought on Sunday, loses it. He sources on clothes and ner- sona! Showoff spenrt. -one, of; the- ihtei -pstinti stories He ikes to iinpiT.s.s otlicrs au-ludPfi hy tliv author. in- hi book by the- extent of his spendin's -and VI KimIc.

With Sionowall" deals: contributiohs to chanty. Compe-xejli leimin one of the (iene.r- "titive He rtst.s to fa 'author's tain secia! stanelinB bv om-spend-story which" took- place duung the in friends and neighbors. Th -ha; lie of H.irtior fu st ki oiip liks to save and Ihs ''Gene: al Jackson mmintrd hi.s second group is happiest when Biluii. -'el not -Little Sorrel' i s)enriinc. Dr.

Kaufman apparent and Jeavms position moved ly; didn't my so but suppr-s ni; to. 'hr on: lia' moiiient the norma! foi-m ot 'money iiawled ii iin a lemon nes.s' is illHsu ated by what "might fiiuii liieii lie ia.s especially be called the ij. Split personality fund a sni.ill piece spender. He loves lo save' and on of and and loves io spend but almost, never. rA -r- COAnAji iss -ijawpr I'll- a hoi 1 1 his Jo MM An.

Arboretum For North Carolina? 1 i ar, p.i: tie -Degan in rvrac: "as cuemai mr puini-r, fl.oo: iind i's. From Unfortunately, the miracle curs iiioitif-n! utii il 'flai kness ended for Ihi.s malady I. is in short sup- battle- tliai 'lemon scarcely P'v and is also; habit forming, pji i.v..s ''ec'eiT! io be used as name: money" a oni; -ii. as older. He Yankee or C-hincli nieiiihe in Anu-r- veli 'e liie sound of ticskei- ica itn a mounting gioxvt-h fi ('l oni imp to 1 tine I his men! ha received romnuniicat oiis I rom (I.

I-. McCrnry of U-ijj max- Ur il'wardeil iis the state's, No. 1 nrlioretiim enthusiast. Mr. rat lu 'thoroughly into the rjjnttcr.

P'm i i( uliu ly it per 1: lo all car to is pointerl to by th iiimi'se or Texas' Times. as a X' for an iiislaiit" reason coiiffot those vv.i s- in v'lemoti appi'aud: and di.stitrhir? ke ef ic's 'o liose uito' would -a: gut (Mi, rU x'. as calm oar is or, the doxi n- hlu'. Flrii'niially coni.mentntg an-(i ro.ld. --except whr'ij 'iie heariiiis Notable; -I for, a ao- Miev receni-ly deciare l.

en f.R-e 'A a VI and tie is anxious tains to iiilol Jiipian for (il ici.ii 1 ZS- to enlist p(iX(r Mipoort Nori iirolina arhoi'Ctuni so er.s a no ai aia: med ox or -o: al decay in Ihe Un a look a no1 is la i and and i a1 d-'S-, tn Hax i tr vr heen interested in TV ha in fiii ii e.s on chiiii'h IlirT. bersnip m- T'iiisi country T. is -iic-t by; 'Tie- Nat.iotial' Oiuneii-'of i ex-- inay bp coiT. as his ie--troops as tllnf A as' "not. ii- one is moti'tv air as which, was Tended Jem in niiiriii ed iu' fears uritiiifl.

iir fi.ui ijin The World Today eiid; xv a of- ir'' xx ell rouyhii.ut I l-e ale that one usuallx' c.oiisi..eis theni as lieiliy clo--f indeed (i' IU1 i ('( (', Ml Met Tiii deplores fhe I hal.only III iei ies. are', foil I id oil 'a (it ol re nr only -7 p'l ies that 'are natixe to this state. (an he found tioTe. (if I here no part iinlar reason I ha xx i a 11 see each Jllld er'y Hid "of '(' Neil. I ill lie S'ate.

si id i.e on I'apitnl St, are. In some of-them 1 1 1 1 I ii I jjriixc there an.x xxax Hoxxexer, i) xMiiild h(ya cry fine pmie for st roll j- I inii to undertake a arhorefiimy xxhich uould he a s)iot: thai xx ould contain nuinx natixe tree; as con Id he. en iced croxx- here. 'e iiax noted xx it.h inCerest he fart hat 1 1 nii'uiiRa in pi lie. in'l fiiund els-er in he Piedmont, or stern piirt of sta'e.

(nt lie, he-- of (Mir- kl XV 1 '( I ero liren al'e to yroxv iii'Ulldant in the niaeinficeili luke (iardeiis. 1 1 tuih.t he a Iso hat us.rast like. r. 'ra i l' hp a hie to reati.e luu'r '-it re a. his' of a state arhoretu in thp.

I )uke forest. vheliexe I he of a North f'aiolina a rhoret oml. We'd like to see ni.ore interest ileelop'd to he end hat such a niiyhtlre iinderlaken Hip tio too distiint future-. Army Hearing Involves Ordinary People, Too of 'i he ern: d-bt eakili ii to; a iiiici Diiii. Moral- decay i 'to Tuake ictich re-il.

a na'ion anore tiiab i alf pi iiple so aiin- A :xx.yi Ihe; brtTliefii'ld ion sa id xx as idr far 'Xiesh rile'oti up" xvith his cu and iid behind a desk xvi'iv his si, ml! i Cairo Tehran. Winder -ed- mo: a', and in riie p-eniairon. all i hose who ha Tn. the fa cxx. appeared Potsdam, he is the la ne Ti1 mhi il; ii IT, -siiai id ti i-as "i oiilv ohe.of uluim man vaoii' he ills ho nexT expect to be 'head-, a xA'ave, a stenoK: xx-Vfe Hv I MILS KI.OH WASHINfi't ON John l.ucas hoped for years tlia' siimediiy he oalrl -o a Hi' is nira iy -a nil- iia.s Kivrn iip- UTe' idea of iia ins sloie, loaded 'i i'li hiiti- cro: Hi and does ly ur plviv.

the Fiehcii lio'rn Bui closf'' Tie sei.s to niu tCari'i, xc find oursclxes also interested in ii place si 'i id en is Ttiiyhf nio anil learn fihrnit all the trees to the stale, and xx here he puhlic in general mik'ht he a''le to pii Oy lie Iieaut ies and eu'ni a-f ional adx amazes I hat- xroi'ild he af In couiieclion with Mr," communication, it is interest inir to note that Iip has di'si ox ei ''d 1 iW species of i ces k'roxx iiiK in. N'ort h. 'n litia. To his nuniher, he sax could he adflrd- a Hovn or more luixx horns and a dozpu shrubs that occasionally teach Hip sfzp of small trees. Thp IRS species, hoxx ex also iiii hide a few not lalixe to 'arol uui.

They are the i'hina-herry I ree. Kentucky roffep tree, Ailantluis, Osjivie oranjrp, vhi1e miilherry. fiaper. niolhcrrc, xx hifp poplar; xx-Vepinr xx illoxx', -ratal pa anl Tauloxx nia. Jlox.x ex er, these trees are so rne: Iita a 'Ini'S.

atching h.s TV serern ro'ild 'a-i'' ii: York or -lp-A a Tiny- eat' to dat m.shl sax' "irn.i.t mlii' have been T'hev likra music- ar I bo I krioxv ho'A he feels; They taikeil; of Bark home tn Si, riec! and O'Ahing; ahri-' e'vhiiii bat rile (jay xx-a-s -a on xaiiiVs- il'i s.iii.'a'a' ilia' -as N.i Council ii 'ills tiie 'ti Aiate Till n.n -'o i i'tiii en tie'tiir-i-. Sii.p' shim ed stiaip i nrhir.ti- livj hen the -t a' of rase li 4 1 per' er n', as eoa: pai'ed', 'o 2 peti cent 'a" p. v.inis in a tiie- peiiod nas one of ttn tie; enlx' I Tne-I'mtCfi S-'aiPs, aia.ijkitid. There, of ex en' (p'raTC' lron- )ii "S'; ir i rune people liei fl tio.i. I i.e ciii: ches a- i Ij'p 1 'oa eve: ii'l'fi i-i 'A aiifi' oxer' -Oil r.

a '-va 'he. bat' lie his!) ci aph a- e. if does 'ha: flnd 1' French horn in liool band. And he plaved in band at. fnivers- tee in ITMii -they xvhere he ko! bachelor, of -xx ent Iei Flo: Ida for (ii'Kree.

As he hi'cax 'older, he erlt intoi tiie iamT 'from 1 horn. xx his'faihcr A Ins or: 'f and a- fellow try Til Til-Ill ''ii itt'lve ei 'lie as tia! ef a tul': he finished at North1, ins dai ha.i'fd i.xi.fe sa 'ealiT'i'd: 'i'''- 'a ol li'H mil in an offa nov pe.Ia a I XX pnnVd ihf idea tiiat foi sexeh eaiS. he. s'udirr! a can io snow 'air i "a ti Tary. a not ard iCiort' vn.i inn rou n.les.

a Tone-, o-il if! hair 'he iielp j'ner I): Wi! K'o or nn a iOM or lie Mollis 'ne liioiisiht thai iiii'iions of priiple' imcn' oni-ydav- lie-tire-rin lino his s' amed; and aiixloiis. fare 'never orr'uiTed To iii'm. Hi- rTof a H1' is an ea: iT-es'ilookir'-i ipa'T ho looks like Uianv. o'licr And njVn. eceiflv.

he -Jv aniii-ii: ed -Tut 'I V- 1 i ii net iv. classes f'om llir ia a' -he inmiii v. Tr.t-n Son tom xx ith my. of, 'a He kept s'A Seven sena'i s- quest on. him So as Pax; strnkitis sib look-iti a i Ti: askiiii; qars'ion-, H.s thai monietiT ild The n' lie-; a Ties Welcome, Camporec Visitors! sio--p I hey a bai mc'etT in fl 1ST- iTi'ias, iio'i.

a toil iu of 'he- rrT e'arx of iit saxv- a of srei and i-o of listen in oh' lap pi, one shor'hand i'n Chicago ears lea short-hand, but Tie 'x a'n'ed io a' snoro iiand t)n an. ordinal x- stene.ct 'ook 'he courses sex al nines ox er. Then he won Grctig d.aniond fir' rif an exp: es Se niey. a 'TTie- A ppople sio'iid have fear of today, ant-enirnt d.o- 'iia' 'li roara: n'T eiiio ace, s' le-l. Of no: illness ot r- iyin2 iia: ri.sease-eavise- li classified loiiiori A arnnna-ff: pa pin for 2rtn ol a minute his.

bc dow the ennvrr and fin'-- for Af'V'r' tiia' he 'o Washim; ion aiid iio' a oh itii Pie ii.jv einment. It as, an line PU'T and he xvas drafted -'lie same, vpar AROUND CAPITOL SQUARE May Stop Duplication I.ik as His i' ii 1'ao child: iivert an litem for '1 aeit Tii'-X' a Cape rod' house, av VniV a i 4nl In UT i. been BY LYNN NISBET cHaniiei. hac in rein; Chiefs, ofisiary I r- ,1 i nn Tlia! uav; imn: he rearberi tii emrni He had heen enn'en nr a.fir: 'o snaie b.aipst'.- xvaitiriie confeienee lie a mo-m i ma mm: .1 iiv Sionejs hart 1 i a-boa! half 'ha roinm.s-i: -The Car a Tin a. a Na; mil 'lean xx'oiild cost the State He a Iso.

saii i a I Nor-' i' Ta'tioiV of Attor abou al fi' i in eas ol only ma fa in as nit Muddled Indochina Situation Still Mystery To Americans -n: aticr cotifr en: is.s r)i offie Safety life and other actix i' ies pi order to pt o. ide a hetter deal for the Scouts xx ho hax hivrt enti'iisteVl inf their rare. The ('amporee. si ait injr a (il'eenx in as iin ex en' xx ic'n at tracteil sevie I has; rem end' ins ly I hrouL'li lie ea is 'ill it ii this a ear. Iteii hetWeeu anc! ''I.

ooo youths from the; counties in the; It.i an Council are expect ed to make the to; Roiky Mount. This xxill he l-'ith 'amporee. here heiii': a I'exx xears during he xx a xx hen I he full cpunrii ex ent suspended. And; diiniivr I ha! 1 itne jf seenis-safe, to say that a.ppi:oini,-t-.ely.',.yJII,IMHI Ha.steru 'arolitiii hoys, a of Them heiny (rum Kocky Mou nt i'iil't iiiipateif in he aniporee. To th, iMiitialod pierhaps he 'amporee (I'lesti't niean nun lint to the yoiuiysters il is soiiiet.i'i iny- uifl rctnemher i he rest of e's TThi 1 true of the sottie (lui of xx horn" xx ill do liere "ili- Fec1: a "ads iind the Coi.ncil.

I the iiv, i' -i, rj nt Lucas 'a as Ca-iin Ai till- se-. i of veins, her husba.iid Ku.ridrniv si annoiincemen' her a lie called to a' sessiem a bou; sr, lie Took on sona'' of phone Con rsa tTons; Mrs,,-il and aski if he 'd 1. in the ney; ins room lififri He' said he io i nilk' in i lie An. j.i re: TV A avyi S'-r-, fltss.s'. a iioii'l 'Iip.

brtliii 'Tie a r.en iii'. 'iiand r.e'es St i' ti.s teie- hi ii iin rid iiei' 'o be hen oiild Sr.e jot-ii; rinldiin lira: Nanonal The same firm is nearihB roin-pietion of a xx ateiivx avs -use sarxev lor 'lie Boairi 01 C.lllsen anon atiH S'a'e has ev-rn, pi appeafs or. in of S'a'e i Nearly-'- exii irnced deT: A U'f iljil a-mrS io Fede; al Hi" op nt Ch a 1 1 a Or an a ai re: is no i en' the.l'AO pio.iertsi since a-i ii on riea'a be' Witl'n 'iiiypa. had Hv Joseph ami Mow art Alsop I lien I he second uteai c-tsis- A.SHINCi ON Aihulial Ar- xvithin-a -crisis Hull' Radfoid, of flip Di 'intil-Api-il; Fi ench Pliiropean tni-sion to relutn io varrc iiot.if.ed Ihe AmeiKar, Ciiiefs i-' Staff, Iris!. Tiirounii Cl'ian- foriii-tent cousitlta nels.

that. The Fieneit could nor onihr liido- a.iiia i held at I)ienbiehphii' xviThour lieu- indiciiTinrt o.f Aniei lean air- Aaain of ('(itnei on heels nitenim'y process of belated facts ef. a whole e' facir.a xx ent. 'oni in 'he NSC. exeui.s, 'Aluch Tiaxe fie xx role cinin- an elaiiorate interna-n asklnt: heaven's namp onal uas no ansxver a' a tieiynbor to In ns fifoni TiiTto fntaeiy vihiv of deve'hn.

a iu and xx enti up to tin Is lllliniiis; R.aihic'a Pi'v Dan. els co: av (nuldnT tan-as' tlf.ed roiilei iiear When he fimsaed a side with lie i an a.v lie h.m. ihri' id xx i tr. -she tiio, exiiTiTple's. beT.1'4' inen: and, a riifferert typp of Be: 'ie and th" neei a-s; is aivoix ed: lorn -Pitt- Such aiatteis'as ippiirt on disfi'i-e; aiakins forlo: ri of h.eiixx av ma thu vi, to ''hr 30.

by 'The Supreme Oi Ions raiiiie; plans rhspeetin is Troins this ih. tnounrit nif fled. en he Tooied-'' "i -didtr a iiit: kno'A 'Il rs 'no under that inost peojile liie Cniied States, a ione. 'ITiis tune a p. confused 'l iie only ix av tiie decision Went the other way how xx and fu'l lie, cases: Texx Cotir; of 1 he I Surii p.i'Ae he Na local i.lastiee.-.

nited i ''on -anid oiners lack-n? Liamatiorl a la uencx xx Illibe sl-oT of Ch, I'-leti: nieetinas in onler tn let Tin Na'Tona', Confe: ence a ommis.s.oners and their Xx lies ami 1'Cl from nil ie arsis haxp more; time (or recrpa- Arioineys. lion at tiie beach and deep se iiilce of fishins. i Incirientallv. the Affipm'. hpn IJorkv rolls (nil the xxei-romp mat here tomorroxx for Kiisteru Hoy it he the' first, imp the city has played host to the fud ('oiiiicil amporee since 17.

In 1ho m-terx eiiinv J'Cars the ('amporee has cone tn. Wilson, -tRap-iis. a Kinstony New Horn and fhoro with most' these cities; host txvjre or tnore diirinir the period. There arp a niiiuliei' of reasons xx try Iip ramporee hasn't heen sta tred in Rocky since l.0..'!7. (hie is that the exent lias (nUKrovxii Hattle I'ark.

xx h-ei it xxas held hefore, and 1 here xx as no ol Iter, plate tx hich heck-oneij a 'itniporee site. Another reason hits that local Scout-, masters. who have under, the car'-, more Scouts I han a ny tit liei; ih-st ricf in the hutre Kast. ('aiiiliiTa 'f'iiuncii. agreed M'jth'lliP hoys 'that it xx a perhaps jrood ln'njr for the lioxs to h'-re" for- the' efenl---insteatl si nyine.

risihl at home. 'Also, ot her comniunit ies hax i hattlod for the honor (if tci ti host and. playing host io a 'iiiye niimhpr of Tliis year, hoxxex cr, Rockx- Mount fed that they haxp an excellent sjte. Jlte Fairirroiiiids iirca xx hich has heen niadp availahle tln'ouirh of Norman' ('hamhliss; GinHhn' themselx-ps for thp occasion, local 'citizens also haxe' put in -lonp in an effort, to make the Caniporee "a huvte success, an exent hich he yonnirstefs xx ill hoivr renienilier. TIip ovprall planning has 'heen envrineered hy Frank P.

of (lie Council campimr and aciixitics commit ice. and, William the 'amporee chief: In addition, city officials haxe heen most ronperatixp with numerouis other ritiVens, in piiinp all nut in hehalf of the Campnrep. Particularly cheerinc. too; are the efforts nf the I-'Iks l.odjto. the ma I'acenient of.

thp Ricks Hotel and the Y.Mf'A in pn. vidinjr various coin rniences for the Scolders, those unsung heroes xvho which will earn tliem a Idue riohou. It Is possihle for part ii'iiiat injr patrol to 'earn honors, proxid'pd its niem-ronstantly sacrifice many of the corn heir lit Io croups of I'ius. ifellows -Tni! that iliey ItiIxo a I -remeir- as. Mie "tin: -ha' xvhen one of the local TV siifuxed some of The scenes tiie day's I face AlihouTth he iooki'ii friBtK-eni he xx a tfiriiun his l.ucas.

saxs was a ne: xoiis only at Ihe iiej.i: i The na; of- Tiie foiiiai says; as -enoaBh- lo axvp' make sense rill', ot a anrne is 'o un s-i (lerirled net lo -intei back lo 'he iiej; inning and vene, ostensibly on t.lie purely winch have leci to fary ground that American air sup-the p-esent sit'iaiion "Ihe first port, con id save Dip was one xx lixh. the leaders plur garriion. ()( the American (yX'e: nir.ent This; rleciMnn i.s nowi toadiiia vaniieiy disfttite-en iilvfut if. a lli.irl itTeat ct isis-'A itliin-wiai was itoie.E on in Indo-y'iins; Onlx the kind of miracle hoped aaainst hope io luck 'ha' (iocs not happen in teal life thioiinh, can nou save tiie men IT xx as Tervi'iii li 'lial rietj nienbie-nphu. And- the fall of

mileaiii for, one day is atiri -from tiierr homes an.i I 0 i- to Siiddeiil' dims ir Hi' 11, ct Federal and al As noti i ii'ne; a I -i toi ik CI 'HIT ne dela i a nd i-xpi'li; e. i'fl in 1 peals 1 Aiiic'i: Oiisll' JA lllif'ili! hut: An ox all rnmni i' ii .1. of yO'MI ii -tit! 'T The- th elf iinav. oh vi 1.1.! Nac's Head pubiip rx, P'Uise All other spendinc is lo Speak. TXX t-Jieif eMel's p.

llierelx-' to ti "av i ah'. or at expense nf iheir their Of Cliai local hosi.s. It's a vri'eat penenee for Muise la, fs 'a 1 1. i i nil' Item, main: I I ud-T'' 'ii' i df appeal T. Ts -chairman an.i McMiilltiii is a member i p.setiiilur aT'ornex's im'i-e ral is yx'i i kin o.

oil a to rex ise PLKIS The Gox ei nor A "offir ci'aei deliberateiv inadvprten'! established prolocof for (itlP, oie nexx's release about ripl. Naviiiie's xscT'-i plan" Talthoiuth OirTtbuinphu is Certain tn have pi o- ane' i' lake I'Hiiiei than onttinally found but- imprrdiclablc political I be'iexed xx ol on' in 'ne con.srqueiiccs IU I I I-. Hj A I KST I'KIN'I' end Tin-' i ii as so much, F'tcncn Foteitin nister (Teoi aes Hov a South Dakota to tiie Mio'iiilr that lien one of Hidault is pet sonally alinost as -man, lias a at West Pom! l-ii'se lepot'eis ro'e frciti In do- 'dead setT aumn.s! a peace bx'' ap- ainins for an 'arm; commis, China that tiie Kieiii'h and the Vift -peasenien' in a.s'VSec: e-' hin'i she learm rl Nam e-ked ti means fm 'x leery la rv Iluilr himself. 'Bui butter, as not xx is cotisale' ed a cloomy PC- at Dienbienphu place B.riault ''''s msi a at ion mxiien t.e ty. in an almost ernmein, a the eo-ei i 1 1 1 i i Then, la Mat-ch.

'V" (ietr Paul Disa-'er is tx hat the F'eneh neni has miii.ons nf pounds of bullr; at it veil X'a liiiiiiion xxith ha.vp been pred.ctiiiK all 011 Ivmd of -'which it would like Si-iii ne xv tiie Krenc'n had a ha (V- alonu. and tiie-fall of Dienbiennhu dispose in a proper and leKiliiiuT'e Tiie eiicl nal no pi nates appointed to repieseni North sot, i o.a-i'd at Hip National leaoi'is aniiiner xear. he yoli tho fine hfnL's ahout, i istliat all (he pa rt icinai i nt: pat foU xx ill he xxorkitTif 'on a. -certain' s'and-hers are Thai pnificient in Scoiittii. there, ai'e a Ixx a xs a i lot of "second iiaioois conuress jn.

Washinif. ion on Max 2a. The list inch, ded Colonel nieii.l a': s. a of iei 1 A. i.i; el 1 a lot of 'The paieil-teeiaiical for nioxuit: from State'.ctions tiie' Federal Court, al Detrrer ha- prepared a tenia'.

xe of a bill inch -o ir eticial iinnks xx it ii per- ICP(n nl I. r-. place or red I'lhiion wintiei til. xjth -ribned hepe Hf in Indo- could mean the fall of th niahner. 'in' iiasis Rar a I.amel-H dau't t'ovei nnien; and ts s.

Hex- 'he sit Port.s i. ei. I.iete p. three homabies" Hon. T.

Collier of i a fey. chamios piitas.ey- t-tlipridgp- ot "Manteo ani lou.v,. 'J ill ITlfo: ri the desired Hon Baseom Sa yer of Elizabeth. titidae ix iiii'iii! are- members of th Ins.upini 'i i' it 1.1 ts of any Cili.en Oeneial Asspnibly. to a ope al for cause' A nipeti.Ti- of All of the others, including "new basts" tiie xxa: Hie on.y icpaicemetr i)V a t.on a li'lle i'unatic.

as it crMainlv wax on: the Fteni'li reasoned xvas 'imp committed to a settlement on xvas. She be Kan to inarie netot.ia'e a sei'lement all alwr terms ies and learned 'thai' olen -became: cos; Mix- xx ainnm came as a vio- Kxeti if Bidatil! is' not replaced, 'he spread West Point in lent- -iioi'k tn 'lie American Severn- he in ay foced to at-ree to a and has held down ihe table eve: m-nt. and ptasluced the fast great fata! fot of pa: i a ion or even to since. The ladv complained, to is.s.'a a cns.s. a Communist-dominated Inrio-Cliiu- Scna'or Case.

Republican of Fioni March, T'i. when Ftv left. ese coali' ir The Case thonitiit the cnndi- tiie eomaiittre has been railed at tai and Slate, officials and miners of xxater commerce dun meree seems to he to somewhat cross evrd, Tip iinal phases of iiic in npo.sed bill. civen the plain tnle of "Mr Then ur.tii. Maich poiicv -ma kpi aiterna took pa'T in an anmnshed debate, find some x' 'x'ax xxno earn the white and still id hers xx ho earn at all.

'l the 'experience, jrained at (he Camp, -oree tisiiall.x' stirs the ountrsiers i xx Ipi come tiie top standard to rosoho to do liettei- next xear. Yes. this xx ill he a real al he'riuir of youth here at the faii'-TouniU on and Saturday 'and Sundax. Tiiex xxill represent oiinvr at it's f-nest. Should lake adxalUaite of the jro out to the Fairerounds and see for just vxlntt vroinif on.

to strengthen the s'arted to tnxeslicaie to. ascertain, Bidaul: and his ant! -an- xviiv i'ne government was condiici- A' irnitii. a siioni; as-rl banns of arc .1. M. Harper of Southporc HK.HWAYS Ihe ed D- C.

Bell of Moehead Citv, agenda ihe aiee'in-s of iii, Pofer of James a' SM'e Ifmiiw'av and P.ililic Wo: Hackney of Wa.smng Ion. Axson Ce, i m. s.s am at Naj 's Head coa- Smith of Beliiaven. Congpr "n't taait nothing routine ma Edenton, Kmmetl vVinslow of Hpi lei's' 1 erpiu '-nig teat inn. Oscar Breeee of Favetteville Those items con.s.s 1 cl mainly of I Weaver nf Raleigh.

Miles j' 'ir. Adm.ra! R.uliord. Secretatv asement ins in a dumb man- r.illes p-evaileit. the This hand-sirrmtthenini; mudit Her. Befoip long the verv queer- cf Cue; balancers and the take the foiai'of a promise of nes.s of the Mluatton began In icillx -in -tided Indo-nuna.

liie ton participation of the ptocinsed appeal those along the route N.i'ienal Security Council tilled un- SK'r) nations in lite Indo-Chinese of An older lias been ar.mieitsly. must at all cost be war and "above all the entered ri. lectins the of "aval Uou of lire fmted Sia'es But Dill- surplus butter a' We-! Point. A vp if auiii'ions ,0 tae and ot Salisbury and W. r.eiiiThorhood liileaim.

axxaci- Thompson of Hallsiioro li r-'nt '-x basis, iiir.ies decided mucii ies, SFiATO oppo- There is ht'ie doaii: could lake the lot m. of united site numbers- cannot and ill not rious butler inaike's ha' ii'inrn. li.ixe been forts and pleasures of their own home last six or eicht years action Dx innse 51 airs xxiiu a 1 ai toiiiiiiu me nited States in ad- lost tiie interest in southeast Asia, to pre- vance. For one thing. he did so.

because of the policy pursued by rut: m(b i inn of cons! mi I conti arts ba Whether colonel or Cfl on bids approved since The Or misters, the delegates haxe last meeling and a report of. the al rank. Thp point is that thu on tiie proposed detailed Governor's office a member of survey of liiiii conditions hy Oenei al Assembly entitled to AND lo 1 up rug pulled trie nanonal government in knock- y. a Crinmiinist vsrtorv in Indo- out from under him bv a neutralist mg down eve-v Dulles called for tats "unit- French government. Al! in all.

the Her to oieo and in desfovin ed aciien" his March If'lwerh. situation which Admiral Radford everv hones; protertion to butle He spelled out his meaning further is returning to discuss the became almcsi popiila'- 'o ii sur.g an ennineertna tirm. nonoi aoip inpntn.n in thp Chairman Sandy Ota ham xvas appointees. aut'iorired by the coniinission at. yn' 1 i ann me n.

c. throw- buster out every time the FnlPt-ed as 'mall niailpr of thp spennd elasit Orlnber 27. PI 1 at Tost Office at Rockv Mount, N. under Apt of March R. IRflT.

Ihe March meeting to emnlov a BUSINESS -The ig 1 am for fh a s-utn Asian oe raiii-ii sou.u nat nr. ne more ualv. opporumtv SFIATfl And finally. Vice Presi- One saddened Fienciiman has Wp read Daily and Sunday 1 Neck DSp Published Daily and Siimlav ROCKV MOl'NT riBLISIIINf; Bufldine I S2 Hoxxard 8t. Rockv Mount.

Norl Carolina appeared. ihe other dm- xx lu re a firm in taie.O'is ei: me compared the Ame-iean decision 'n man who stole in cenis and a 111c- rero-d 11. warned xxnat drnv ait wipport to Dienbiennhu tn kel nexv.snann- in St BSCR1PTION PRICKS Payable In AdvanOe Member of A. N. P.

Bureau Ailverlising. S. N. P. N.

C. Press Assnrialinn. The Associated Press is etrlusivelv pnlllleti lo the use of publication of all npivs credited to it or not otherwise rredited tit this paper and Iso to local nexxs printed herein. All rights of publica'ion of special dispatches herein are also reserved. Rates by Mail In The Carolina and Virginia tompe'ett: agency to make ui I-iastern North Caiohna Press 1.

overall 1 ex of mens and repoui- soriation spring tneetpic at IXfuf-meTided nietliods of finaneinE a freesboro next week rieal.s primary hieiixxay imp; ox emeut pro entirely with the end n' gram. Pursuant tn that authority running nrxxspaprrs. The djsnjs. he nesotiated a contract with the sion xx ill-bp. about circulation ad-firm of Parsons.

Brmkerhoff Hall vertisinc and printing costs Hi and MrDonald a a cast of $110. spot of the meeting will be thp o-unt! afrr coonfeienres offic- riiratiop of the Graph-" oeo He mid nexxsmpn before taking Arts-building at Cnomw Collp" off for the Nags Head meeting cn 'Saturday afternoon Mny 8 1 year fi Md 3 Mo. 1 Mo. "united action" might mean the British decision of March. Ifififi.

1 in davs in thp workhouse All this was on tiie assumption when the Baldwin Cabinet re- This' goes', to prove that in that the French could hold en. the French from opposing East Tennessee. vou plan to ar Dipnbiprphu and elsexvhere. march into thp Rhinpland. stpal a chicken, vou'll be safpr if Meanwhile, it wins hoped, the pros- This xxas thp real prehirip to thp you kill thp oxvnpr first Othp-- of "united adticn" might per- se-rorri World War The situation wise xsou might gpt a ppniVenti- suarie thp Cenununist.s to make an could conceivably even be a.s ugly ary spntpnep.

Clinton (Tenn 1 accepiablp settlement 'at Geneva. as that. Courier -News, JIST'O Sf.l Daily and Sunday Sundav Only Daily Only $1.55 51.55 l.5 .75 3.90 UO 15.60 3.t 1.

Rocky Mount Telegram from Rocky Mount, North Carolina (2024)
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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

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