Quadrature formula - Encyclopedia of Mathematics (2024)

An approximate formula for the calculation of a definite integral:

$$ \tag{1 }\int\limits _ { a } ^ { b } p ( x) f ( x) d x \cong \sum _ { j= 1} ^ { N } C _ {j} f ( x _ {j} ) .$$

On the left-hand side is the integral to be calculated. The integrand is written as a product of two functions. The first, $ p ( x) $, is considered to be fixed for the given quadrature formula and is called the weight function; the function $ f ( x) $belongs to a fairly-wide class of functions, for example, continuous functions for which the integral on the left-hand side of (1) exists. The sum on the right-hand side of (1) is called the quadrature sum, the numbers $ x _ {j} $are called the nodes of the quadrature formula, while the numbers $ C _ {j} $are called its weights. The determination of an approximate value of the integral by means of formula (1) reduces to the calculation of the quadrature sum; the values of the nodes and the weights are usually taken from tables (see, for example, [3]).

The most widespread quadrature formulas are those based on algebraic interpolation. Let $ x _ {1} \dots x _ {N} $be distinct points (usually $ x _ {i} \in [ a , b ] $although this requirement is not essential) and let $ P ( x) $be the interpolation polynomial for $ f ( x) $constructed from its values at these points:

$$ P ( x) = \ \sum _ { i= 1} ^ { N } L _ {i} ( x) f ( x _ {i} ) .$$

Here $ L _ {i} ( x) $is the Lagrangian basis polynomial of the $ i $-th node (cf. Lagrange interpolation formula): $ L _ {i} ( x _ {j} ) = \delta _ {ij} $ ($ \delta _ {ij} $is the Kronecker symbol). The integral over $ [ a , b ] $of $ p ( x) f ( x) $is approximately replaced by the integral of $ p ( x) P ( x) $; one obtains an approximate equation of the form (1), in which

$$ \tag{2 }C _ {i} = \ \int\limits _ { a } ^ { b } p ( x) L _ {i} ( x) d x ,\ i = 1 \dots N .$$

The existence of the integral in (2) is equivalent to the existence of the moments of the weight function:

$$ \mu _ {k} = \ \int\limits _ { a } ^ { b } p ( x) x ^ {k} d x ,\ k = 0 \dots N$$

(here and in what follows it is assumed that the required moments of $ p ( x) $exist; in particular, in the case $ p ( x) = 1 $the interval $ [ a , b ] $is taken to be finite, cf. Moment problem).

The quadrature formula (1) in which the weights are defined by equations (2) is called an interpolatory quadrature formula. An integer $ d \geq 0 $is called the algebraic degree of accuracy of (1) if (1) is exact when $ f ( x) $is any polynomial of degree not exceeding $ d $and if it is not exact for $ f ( x) = x ^ {d+1} $. In order that (1) be an interpolatory quadrature formula it is necessary and sufficient that its algebraic degree of accuracy $ d $satisfies the inequality $ d \geq N - 1 $.

Let $ p ( x) = 1 $and $ [ a , b ] $be finite. The interpolatory quadrature formula with equally-spaced nodes

$$ \tag{3 }x _ {j} = a + j h ,\ \ j = 0 \dots n ,\ \ h = \frac{( b - a ) }{n} ,$$

where $ n $is a positive integer, $ N = n + 1 $, is called the Newton–Cotes quadrature formula; this quadrature formula has algebraic degree of accuracy $ d = n $when $ n $is odd and $ d = n + 1 $when $ n $is even. The interpolatory quadrature formula with a single node,

$$ \int\limits _ { a } ^ { b } f ( x) d x \cong \ ( b - a ) f ( \xi ) ,\ \ a \leq \xi \leq b ,$$

is called the rectangle rule or midpoint rule; its algebraic degree of accuracy $ d = 1 $when $ \xi = ( a + b ) / 2 $and $ d = 0 $in the remaining cases.


$$ \tag{4 }p ( x) \geq 0 \ \ \mathop{\rm on} \ [ a , b ] ,\ \ \mu _ {0} > 0 .$$

An interpolatory quadrature formula (1) in which the nodes are the roots of an orthogonal polynomial of degree $ n $on $ [ a , b ] $with weight function $ p ( x) $is called a quadrature formula of Gauss type; it is also called a quadrature formula of highest algebraic degree of accuracy, since under the conditions (4) no quadrature formula with $ N $nodes can be precise for $ x ^ {2N} $.

The most widely used quadrature formulas of Gauss type are those defined by the following special cases of the weight function $ p ( x) $and interval $ [ a , b ] $:

  • the Jacobi weight $ ( 1 - x ) ^ \alpha ( 1 + x ) ^ \beta $ ($ \alpha , \beta > - 1 $) on $ [ - 1 , 1 ] $ with parameter values:
    • a) $ \alpha = \beta = 0 $ (the Gauss quadrature formula);
    • b) $ \alpha = \beta = - 1 / 2 $ (the Mehler quadrature formula);
    • c) $ \alpha = \beta = 1 / 2 $; and
    • d) $ \alpha = - \beta = 1 / 2 $;
  • the Hermite weight $ \mathop{\rm exp} ( - x ^ {2} ) $ on ( $ - \infty , + \infty $); and
  • the Laguerre weight $ x ^ \alpha \mathop{\rm exp} ( - x ) $ ($ \alpha > - 1 $) on $ ( 0 , + \infty ) $.

There exist quadrature formulas in which some of the nodes are fixed in advance, while the remaining ones are chosen so that the formula will have highest algebraic degree of accuracy. Such, for example, are the Lobatto quadrature formula and the Radau quadrature formula for the calculation of an integral over $ [ - 1 , 1 ] $with weight function 1. In the first of these the nodes are $ - 1 , 1 $, while in the second, one of these points is fixed only.

Two quadrature formulas with weight function 1,

$$ \int\limits _ { c } ^ { d } f ( t) d t \cong \ \sum _ { j= 1} ^ { m } C _ {j} f ( t _ {j} ) ,\ \ \int\limits _ \gamma ^ \delta \phi ( \tau ) d \tau \cong \ \sum _ { j= 1} ^ { m } \Gamma _ {j} \phi ( \tau _ {j} ) ,$$

are said to be similar if $ t _ {j} - c = s ( \tau _ {j} - \gamma ) $, $ C _ {j} = s \Gamma _ {j} $, $ j = 1 \dots m $, where $ s $is defined by the equation $ d - c = s ( \delta - \gamma ) $. In the case of a finite interval $ [ a , b ] $,

$$ \tag{5 }\int\limits _ { a } ^ { b } f ( x) d x = \ \sum _ { i= 0} ^ { n-1 } \int\limits _ {x _ {i} } ^ {x _ {i+1}}f ( x) d x ,$$

where the $ x _ {i} $are defined by (3). If for the calculation of integrals over the intervals $ [ x _ {i} , x _ {i+1} ) $one applies quadrature formulas that are similar to the same quadrature formula, equation (5) leads to a composite quadrature formula for the calculation of the integral at the left-hand side. Such, for example, is the composite rectangle rule:

$$ \int\limits _ { a } ^ { b } f ( x) d x \cong h\sum _ { j= 1} ^ { n } f ( \xi + ( j - 1 ) h ) ,\ \ \xi \in [ a , a + h ] .$$

In the case $ b - a = 2 \pi $this quadrature formula is exact for $ \cos k x , \sin k x $for $ k = 0 \dots n - 1 $.

It is possible to consider the interpolatory formulas obtained by integrating the Hermite interpolation polynomials of the function $ f ( x) $. In the quadrature sum of such a quadrature formula not only the values of the function itself at the nodes do enter, but also the values of its successive derivatives up to some order. The values of the derivatives of the integrand at the ends of the range of integration are also used in the Euler–MacLaurin formula.

For the error of the quadrature formula (1),

$$ R ( f ) = \ \int\limits _ { a } ^ { b } p ( x) f ( x) d x -\sum _ { j= 1} ^ { N } C _ {j} f ( x _ {j} ),$$

there are representations in which the derivative $ f ^ { ( r) } ( x) $enters. These representations are of little use for the actual estimation of $ R ( f ) $, since one needs an estimate of the derivative $ f ^ { ( r) } ( x) $. The error $ R ( f ) $is an additive hom*ogeneous functional on the vector space of functions for which it is defined.

Another approach to the construction of a quadrature formula is based on minimization of the norm of the error functional $ R( f ) $.

Let $ R ( f ) $be the error of a quadrature formula that is exact for all polynomials of degree not exceeding $ r - 1 $, where $ [ a , b ] = [ 0 , 1 ] $and $ p ( x) = 1 $. Let $ W _ {q} ^ {( r)} $($ q > 1 $ and $ r $is a positive integer) be the vector space of functions $ f ( x) $that have on $ [ 0 , 1 ] $an absolutely-continuous derivative of order $ r - 1 $and a derivative of order $ r $whose $ q $-th power is summable. Two functions in $ W _ {q} ^ {( r)} $are considered to be equivalent if their difference is a polynomial of degree not exceeding $ r - 1 $. The set of equivalence classes (the quotient space of $ W _ {q} ^ {( r)} $by the vector space of polynomials of degree not exceeding $ r - 1 $) is a vector space, denoted by $ L _ {q} ^ {( r)} $. A norm can be introduced into $ L _ {q} ^ {( r)} $be setting for a class $ \psi \in L _ {q} ^ {( r)} $,

$$ \| \psi \| = \ \| f ^ { ( r) } \| _ { L _ q } = \ \left \{\int\limits _ { 0 } ^ { 1 } | f ^ { ( r) } ( x) | ^ {q} d x\right \} ^ {1/q} ,$$

where $ f $is any function belonging to $ \psi $. The error functional of the quadrature formula can be considered on $ L _ {q} ^ {( r)} $by setting $ R ( \psi ) = R ( f ) $, $ f \in \psi $. The error functional $ R ( \psi ) $is continuous on the normed linear space $ L _ {q} ^ {( r)} $. Its norm $ \| R \| $characterizes the accuracy of the quadrature formula for all functions in $ W _ {q} ^ {( r)} $: For any $ f \in W _ {q} ^ {( r)} $the inequality

$$ | R ( f ) | \leq \ \| R \| \cdot \| f ^ { ( r) } \| _ {L _ {q} }$$

holds, and this best possible. It is clear that $ \| R \| $is a function of the parameters $ x _ {k} , C _ {k} $, $ k = 1 \dots N $, of the quadrature formula and it is natural to try to choose them so that $ \| R \| $has a minimal value. This leads to a quadrature formula (from the class considered) whose error allows a minimal estimate for all functions of the space $ W _ {q} ^ {( r)} $. Thus, the construction of a quadrature formula reduces to the solution of an extremal problem. This problem, even for the special case above, is extremely complicated and its solution has been obtained only for $ r = 1 $and $ r = 2 $.


[1] V.I. Krylov, "Approximate calculation of integrals" , Macmillan (1962) (Translated from Russian)
[2] S.M. Nikol'skii, "Quadrature formulas" , Hindushtan Publ. Comp. , London (1974) (Translated from Russian)
[3] V.I. Krylov, L.T. Shul'gina, "Handbook on numerical integration" , Moscow (1966) (In Russian)



[a1] P.J. Davis, P. Rabinowitz, "Methods of numerical integration" , Acad. Press (1975)

How to Cite This Entry:
Quadrature formula. Encyclopedia of Mathematics. URL: http://encyclopediaofmath.org/index.php?title=Quadrature_formula&oldid=51822

This article was adapted from an original article by I.P. Mysovskikh (originator), which appeared in Encyclopedia of Mathematics - ISBN 1402006098. See original article

Quadrature formula - Encyclopedia of Mathematics (2024)


Quadrature formula - Encyclopedia of Mathematics? ›

An approximate formula for the calculation of a definite integral: b∫ap(x)f(x)dx≅N∑j=1Cjf(xj). On the left-hand side is the integral to be calculated.

What is Newton's cotes quadrature formula? ›

for the computation of an integral over a finite interval [a,b], with nodes x(kn)=a+kh, k=0…n, where n is a natural number, h=(b−a)/n, and the number of nodes is N=n+1.

What is the Gauss Patterson quadrature? ›

The Gauss-Patterson quadrature is a nested family which begins with the Gauss-Legendre rules of orders 1 and 3, and then succesively inserts one new abscissa in each subinterval.

What is a quadrature sum? ›

When you add or subtract quantities, the uncertainties combine in a specific way. The rule for combining uncertainties in addition and subtraction is known as the 'sum in quadrature' rule. This rule states that the combined uncertainty is the square root of the sum of the squares of the individual uncertainties.

What is the quadrature method in numerical methods? ›

Any quadrature method relies on evaluating the integrand f on a finite set of points (called the abscissas or quadrature points), then processing these evaluations somehow to produce an approximation to the value of the integral. Usually this involves taking a weighted average.

What is general quadrature formula? ›

From Encyclopedia of Mathematics. An approximate formula for the calculation of a definite integral: b∫ap(x)f(x)dx≅N∑j=1Cjf(xj). On the left-hand side is the integral to be calculated.

What is the difference between Newton-Cotes and Gaussian quadrature? ›

It turns out that Newton-Cotes rules do not have Qn uniformly bounded, whereas Gaussian quadrature does. The idea is to recognize that, because these methods are exact for polynomials of degree 0, ∑nk=1wk=I(1). If the wk are all positive, then ‖Qn‖=∑nk=1|wk|=I(1), which is independent of n, as we want.

Is Gauss quadrature better than Clenshaw Curtis? ›

In a nutshell, our conclusion is that the Clenshaw–Curtis and Gauss formulas have essentially the same accuracy unless f is analytic in a sizable neighbor- hood of the interval of integration—in which case both methods converge so fast that the difference hardly matters.

Why is Gaussian quadrature so accurate? ›

The important property of Gauss quadrature is that it yields exact values of integrals for polynomials of degree up to 2n – 1. Gauss quadrature uses the function values evaluated at a number of interior points (hence it is an open quadrature rule) and corresponding weights to approximate the integral by a weighted sum.

What is the fundamental theorem of the Gaussian quadrature? ›

The fundamental theorem of Gaussian quadrature is stated below: the optimal nodes of the n-point Gaussian quadrature formula are precisely the zeros of the orthogonal polynomial for the same interval and weight function.

What is the gum method? ›

The GUM provides guidelines on expressing uncertainties in measurement results. It emphasizes the use of confidence intervals, expanded uncertainty, and coverage factors. The uncertainty should be reported alongside the measurement values, indicating the level of confidence associated with the measurement.

What is the Gaussian quadrature formula? ›

The Gaussian quadrature method is an approximate method of calculation of a certain integral . By replacing the variables x = (b – a)t/2 + (a + b)t/2, f(t) = (b – a)y(x)/2 the desired integral is reduced to the form .

What is the quadrature rule for uncertainty? ›

However, statistics tells us that if the uncertainties are independent of one another, the uncertainty in a sum or difference of two numbers is obtained by quadrature: Δd = (Δ )2 + (Δy)2 = 0.07cm. The way these uncertainties combine depends on how the measured quantity is related to each value.

What is the quadrature rule? ›

The core idea of quadrature is that the integral of a function f(X) over an element e can be approximated as a weighted sum of function values evaluated at particular points: (1.4)∫ef(X)=∑qf(Xq)wq+O(hn)

What is an example of a quadrature formula? ›

S2 = h 12 (f(a)+4f(d)+2f(c)+4f(e) + f(b)). This is an example of a composite quadrature rule.

What is quadrature in mathematics? ›

quadrature, in mathematics, the process of determining the area of a plane geometric figure by dividing it into a collection of shapes of known area (usually rectangles) and then finding the limit (as the divisions become ever finer) of the sum of these areas.

What is the Newton formula in a quadratic equation? ›

1 Answer. Consider the quadratic equation x2−(α+β)x+αβ=0. for x=α,β. Multiplying by xn for n⩾0, we get xn+2=(α+β)xn+1−αβxn.

How do you derive Newton-Cotes? ›

For an open newton cotes formula, xi = a + i△x = a + ih such that h = (b – a)/n. For a closed newton cotes formula, xi = a + (i + 1)△x = a + (i + 1)h such that h = (b – a)/(n + 2). Also, h represents the step size and wi represents the weights.

What is meant by Gauss quadrature formula? ›

Gauss quadrature rules are designed so that an N-point quadrature rule will exactly integrate a polynomial of degree 2 N − 1 or lower. This is done by picking the N weights and N evaluation points (i.e., abscissas) to integrate the 2N terms in a degree 2 N − 1 polynomial.

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