Battle for Azeroth Engineering Guide - (2024)

Battle for Azeroth Engineering Guide - (1)This guide provides an overview of the additions and changes to Engineering in World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth.

Table of contents

  • Learning BfA Engineering
  • Leveling Engineering
  • Acquiring Recipes
  • Crafting Materials
  • Engineering Perks
  • Miscellaneous Items
  • Mount
  • Devices
  • Ranged weapon enchants
  • Bombs

New in Patch 8.3

Void Focus

The Void Focus is a new crafting station that is used to craft the new raid gear.

Check out my guide on How to Unlock the Void Focus. (Itworks exactly the same as the Abyssal Focus worked in patch 8.2.)

Goggles and Weapons

There are two new ilvl 400 weapons:

There are also a new set of engineering goggles, at ilvl 440, 455, and 470. You can get the recipes for the goggles from Faceless, K'thir, Aqir, and Cultists mobs that worship N'Zoth (random drop). You can find these mobs at the new Vale of Eternal Blossom Assauls, Uldum Assaults and inside Lesser Visions. (Not available on week 1 of patch 8.3)

You will discover the recipe for the ilvl 455 goggles by crafting the ilvl 440 ones. And you need to craft the ilvl 455 goggles to discover the ilvl 470 goggle recipes.

New in Patch 8.2

Learning BfA Engineering

The new BfA Engineering skill is named differently for the two factions, but the name is the only difference between them.

Battle for Azeroth Engineering Guide - (13)Kul Tiran Engineering is the Alliance version and Battle for Azeroth Engineering Guide - (14)Zandalari Engineering is the Horde version.

Engineering Trainers:

  • Horde: You can find Shuga Blastcaps in Dazar'alor at the Terrace of Crafters.
  • Alliance: Layla Evenkeel is located in Boralus at the Tradewinds Market.

You can walk up to a guard in Dazar'alor or Boralus then ask where the Engineering trainer is located. This will place a red marker on your map at the trainer's location.

Leveling Engineering

Professions skills are split between expansions now, you'll have a separate skill bar for each expansion. This means you can level the new Battle for Azeroth skill tier without putting any point into any of the previous expansions tiers, you don't have to level Engineering with older materials to be able to craft the new BfA items. The new Battle for Azeroth Engineering has a maximum of 175 skill points. You can read more about this in my BfA Profession overview.

Every BfA recipe will require different Engineering skill levels, so it's very different from what we had in Legion where you could craft most high-level items with Engineering skill 1. You will have to level your BfA Engineering skill up if you want to craft high-level items.

Check out my BfA Engineering leveling guide 1-175, if you are looking for a more in-depth leveling guide with exact numbers and reagents needed.

Acquiring Recipes

Most recipes still have ranks just like in Legion, but there are no profession quests for crafting profession in BfA, you will learn most rank 1 and rank 2 recipes from your trainer. They are gated by profession skill, so you have to level your Alchemy up to get every recipe.

  • Rank 1: Allows you to craft the item.
  • Rank 2: Reduces the materials required to craft an item.
  • Rank 3: Greatly reduces the materials required to craft an item.

Reputation Vendors

You can buy most Rank 3 recipes from vendors, but none of them require Exalted reputation, only Revered, so it's pretty easy to get them. (A few rank 3 recipes come from World Quests)




Crafting Materials

There are 3 new ores: Battle for Azeroth Engineering Guide - (15)Monelite Ore, Battle for Azeroth Engineering Guide - (16)Storm Silver Ore and Battle for Azeroth Engineering Guide - (17)Platinum Ore

There are also 5 soulbound crafting materials:

Battle for Azeroth Engineering Guide - (18)Expulsom is obtained primarily from scrapping armors and weapons using the Scrap-o-Matic 1000 (Alliance), or the Shred-Master Mk1 (Horde). These tools work like disenchanting, you can break down any gear obtained that is from the Battle for Azeroth expansion, including dungeon/raid drops, quest rewards, world drops and crafted gear. You can read about this in more detail if you visit my Expulsom Farming Guide.

Battle for Azeroth Engineering Guide - (19)Tidalcore is a guaranteed drop from the last boss in a Mythic dungeons and from the chest at the end of any level Mythic Plus Dungeon. They can also drop from the last boss of a heroic dungeon, however, this is not a guaranteed drop.

Battle for Azeroth Engineering Guide - (20)Breath of Bwonsamdi drops from bosses in the new raid Battle for Dazar'alor and is used for crafting epic 400 and 415 item Alchemy trinkets. (1 from each LFR wing, 1 from a Normal boss, 10 from a Heroic boss, 20 from a Mythic boss)

Battle for Azeroth Engineering Guide - (21)Sanguicell drops from raid bosses in Uldir. (1 from each LFR wing, 1 from a Normal boss, 10 from a Heroic boss, 20 from a Mythic boss)

Battle for Azeroth Engineering Guide - (22)Hydrocore used to drop in Mythic dungeons, but it no longers drops since path 8.1, and you can only get it by using Transmutes.

Engineering Perks

Belt Attachments

Each belt attachment requires a skill level of 85 to learn.

Engineering Goggles

New set of item level 385 leather, cloth, mail, and plate googles. All of them are upgradeable 2 times (ilvl 400 and ilvl 415).You will need to craft the lower ilvl goggles to get the recipe for the higher ilvl goggle.

There is a new goggle recipe for every armor type, this is just an example below:

Tools of the Trade

If you level your character to level 120 and your Battle for Azeroth Enchanting to 150, then you can unlock a special questline to craft Battle for Azeroth Engineering Guide - (31)The Ub3r-Spanner.

This item allows you to make special modules to summon different constructs to fight for you every 15 minutes. These are separate recipes, but they are really cheap to make. When you craft one, you will get a buff, and then if you use the Battle for Azeroth Engineering Guide - (32)The Ub3r-Spanner, it will summon that construct. (you will get a random one if you don't have any buff up)

The questline will take you through the process of creating your tool and give you some backstory on where the recipe comes from. Most of the quests are really straightforward and easy so I'll skip explaining each quests. Just follow your quest log and check the markers on your map.

To get started on your profession quest line, speak with your profession trainer Shuga Blastcaps (Horde) in Dazar'alor or Layla Evenkeel (Alliance) in Boralus. You can walk up to a guard in Dazar'alor or Boralus then ask where your profession trainer is located. This will place a red marker on your map at the trainer's location.

After you complete the quest chain, you will get the Battle for Azeroth Engineering Guide - (33)The Ub3r-Spanner recipe. To craft this item, you need:

Miscellaneous recipes


Battle for Azeroth Engineering Guide - (52)Mecha-Mogul Mk2 is a new mount crafted by Engineers. It's not souldbound which means it can be sold via the Auction House. The recipe is dropped by Mogul Razdunk in the The MOTHERLODE!! dungeon.


  • Battle for Azeroth Engineering Guide - (53)Deployable Attire Rearranger - portable transmog device.
  • Battle for Azeroth Engineering Guide - (54)Interdimensional Companion Repository - portable stable for hunters.
  • Battle for Azeroth Engineering Guide - (55)Electroshock Mount Motivator - Increases mounted movement speed by 10% for 10 sec. Stacks up to 5 times. Increased motivation may cause your mount to become disoriented.
  • Battle for Azeroth Engineering Guide - (56)Magical Intrusion Dampener - Makes you immune to Leap of Faith, threat redirecting abilities, and some gadgets like the Swapblaster. Persists through death. Lasts 12 hrs.
  • Battle for Azeroth Engineering Guide - (57)XA-1000 Surface Skimmer - Deploy a boat which will immediately start moving across the water for 25 sec. Does not work on land. (30 Sec Cooldown)
  • Battle for Azeroth Engineering Guide - (58)Unstable Temporal Time Shifter - Reverses the flow of time on a target that recently died, restoring them to life with 60% health and 20% mana. Castable in combat. Chance to backfire, fast forwarding the flow of time on a target resulting in a loss of vitality. (10 Min Cooldown)


Engineering skill

Rank 3

Rank 1

Rank 2

Battle for Azeroth Engineering Guide - (59)Deployable Attire Rearranger2550Zandalari Empire / Storm's Wake - Revered
Battle for Azeroth Engineering Guide - (60)Electroshock Mount Motivator2550World Quest
Battle for Azeroth Engineering Guide - (61)Interdimensional Companion Repository2550Zandalari Empire / Storm's Wake - Revered
Battle for Azeroth Engineering Guide - (62)Magical Intrusion Dampener255085
Battle for Azeroth Engineering Guide - (63)XA-1000 Surface Skimmer2550World Quest
Battle for Azeroth Engineering Guide - (64)Unstable Temporal Time Shifter85Rank 2 requires Exalted with Zandalari Empire / Proudmoore Admiralty.
Rank 3 is dropped by High Tinker Mekkatorque in the Battle of Dazar'alor raid.

Ranged weapon enchants


Engineering skill

Rank 3

Rank 1

Rank 2

Battle for Azeroth Engineering Guide - (65)Frost-Laced Ammunition3585Voldunai / Order of Embers - Revered
Battle for Azeroth Engineering Guide - (66)Incendiary Ammunition3585World Quest
Battle for Azeroth Engineering Guide - (67)Monelite Scope of Alacrity3585The Honorbound / 7th Legion - Revered
Battle for Azeroth Engineering Guide - (68)Crow's Nest Scope3585World Quest



Engineering skill

Rank 3

Rank 1

Rank 2

Battle for Azeroth Engineering Guide - (72)F.R.I.E.D.135World Quest
Battle for Azeroth Engineering Guide - (73)Organic Discombobulation Grenade135Zandalari Empire / Storm's Wake - Revered
Battle for Azeroth Engineering Guide - (74)Thermo-Accelerated Plague Spreader135World Quest



Engineering skill

Rank 3

Rank 1

Rank 2

Battle for Azeroth Engineering Guide - (75)Magnetic Discombobulator1--
Battle for Azeroth Engineering Guide - (76)Precision Attitude Adjuster100125The Honorbound / 7th Legion - Revered
Battle for Azeroth Engineering Guide - (77)Finely-Tuned Stormsteel Destroyer100125The Honorbound / 7th Legion - Revered
Battle for Azeroth Engineering Guide - (78)Honorable Combatant's Discombobulator100-Rank 2 and 3 sold by Ozgrom Ragefang (Horde) / Leedan Gustaf (Alliance)
Battle for Azeroth Engineering Guide - (79)Honorable Combatant's Stormsteel Destroyer100-Rank 2 and 3 sold by Ozgrom Ragefang (Horde) / Leedan Gustaf (Alliance)
Battle for Azeroth Engineering Guide - (80)Sinister Combatant's Discombobulator100-Rank 2 and 3 sold by Ozgrom Ragefang (Horde) / Leedan Gustaf (Alliance)
Battle for Azeroth Engineering Guide - (81)Sinister Combatant's Stormsteel Destroyer100-Rank 2 and 3 sold by Ozgrom Ragefang (Horde) / Leedan Gustaf (Alliance)
Battle for Azeroth Engineering Guide - (2024)


Is engineering profitable in Dragonflight? ›

The Secrets of Leveling Up Engineering in Dragonflight

As an engineer, this is especially profitable since you depend on what quality items you can create. Whether we like it or not, the game's creators have made the leveling procedure more difficult.

Where to learn battle for azeroth engineering? ›

BfA Engineering Trainer Location

Engineering Trainers: Horde: You can find Shuga Blastcaps in Dazar'alor at the Terrace of Crafters. Alliance: Layla Evenkeel is in Boralus at the Tradewinds Market.

How to get Shadowlands engineering? ›

Learn Shadowlands Engineering from Machinist Au'gur (38.1, 44.7), the Engineering Trainer in the Hall of Shapes in Oribos, the hub city of the Shadowlands. Nearby you will also find Distributor Au'burk, who sells Engineering supplies.

What is the most profitable profession in wow Dragonflight? ›

Profession Choice

Certain professions are more lucrative. S-Tier professions for gold making include Enchanting, Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Jewelcrafting, Leatherworking, and Tailoring. A-Tier includes Herbalism, Mining, Skinning, and Fishing. B-Tier professions are Cooking, Engineering, and Inscription​​​​.

What gathering profession makes the most money? ›

Gathering Professions
May 8, 2023

What level should I be for Battle for Azeroth? ›

If your character is level 61 or above, go to any Kul Tiras or Zandalar zone to have the Battle for Azeroth banner and instructions for where to go next appear in your quest log.

What is the best profession to pair with engineering in wow? ›

By far the best option for your second primary profession is mining. The vast majority of the materials you need for Engineering recipes are acquired through mining. The only other profession that might be mildly beneficial is skinning, since a small number of engineering recipes use leather.

Which class is best for engineering wow? ›

Best Classes to Learn Engineering (PvE)

Paladins, lacking ranged attacks, can also use some bombs for ranged damage when needed. Gnome (Mage, Rogue, Warlock, Warrior) also benefit from the Gnome Racial Engineering Specialization, which increases Engineering Skill by +15.

How do you get Goblin engineering in Shadowlands? ›

Alliance: To become a Goblin Engineer your toon needs to be at least level 30 and 200 in general Engineering. You then need to create 20 Big Iron Bombs, 20 Solid Dynamite and 5 Explosive Sheep. If you are level 200 Engineer you will already have the schematics to make them. The mats are super cheap on the AH.

How do I get Draenor engineering? ›

You have to get a [Draenor Engineering] scroll to learn Draenor Engineering. There are three ways to obtain this scroll: You can buy it from the vendor near your Engineering trainer at Ashran. Alliance players can find Sean Catchpole at Stormshield, and Horde players can find Nik Steelrings at Warspear.

What are the benefits of engineering in Shadowlands? ›

Engineering profits in Shadowlands
  • Easy auctioneer access without necessity of having Brutosaur.
  • Good potential for goldfarm.
  • The ability to craft helmets for all types of armor.
  • The ability to craft bombs that can be useful in PvP and PvE content.

Can you make money with Engineering in WoW? ›

The Lifelike Mechanical Toad is a particularly rare recipe, and the pets created with it can bring a premium from hardcore pet collectors. The mounts are race-restricted however. Engineers may charge a hefty fee to craft one of these mounts, or sell the pre-assembled item for a fixed fee.

What do engineers get in Dragonflight? ›

Engineering in Dragonflight

Engineering makes profession tools and guns, as well as helmets and wrists with special Tinker Sockets. They can also make bombs and various gadgets. Wyrmhole Generator.

Do Dragonflight professions matter? ›

There are no real "bad" Professions in Dragonflight- while some may seem to offer more than others, each will provide bonuses to the Player in their own ways.

What profession should I choose in Dragonflight? ›

Druid – Herbalism/Inscription

This has shifted in Dragonflight since we're now gathering while mounted on our drakes, but Druid is still the go-to class for old content. With the amount of herbs you'll be gathering, it's really handy to have Inscription there to craft those rare cards and other useful consumables.

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.